
The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) makes the Standard Drawings available on the web on an “as is” basis as a public service. 

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Standard No Sort descending Standard Title Revision Date
D-704-35A Sign Layout To Move Traffic To Outside Shoulder On Four Lane Divided Highway 08/02/2024
D-704-37 Maintaining Traffic Through Area Already Full Depth Reclaimed 08/02/2024
D-704-38 Traffic Control System Median Crossover 55 MPH Speed Limit or Greater 06/12/2024
D-704-39 Traffic Control System Median Crossover 55 MPH Speed Limit or Greater 06/12/2024
D-704-45 Construction Signing Median Crossover 08/02/2024
D-704-49 Construction Sign and Barricade Location Details - Construction Traffic Median Crossing 08/02/2024
D-704-50 Portable Sign Support Assembly 12/02/2020
D-704-51 Concrete Median Barrier (Temporary Usage) 08/21/2024
D-704-52 Interstate Road Closure Using Ramps - Closure For Less Than One Day - and Crossroad is not Closed 08/02/2024
D-704-52A Interstate Road Closure Using Ramps - Closure for More Than Five Days - and Crossroad is not Closed 10/01/2024
D-704-53 Interstate Road Closure - Using Ramps With Crossroad Closure - Closure for More Than Five Days 10/01/2024
D-704-54 Interstate Road Closure - Using Ramps With Crossroad Closure - Closure for More Than Five Days 10/01/2024
D-704-55 Pavement Marking And Delineation for Interstate and Crossroad Closure 10/01/2024
D-704-56 Mobile Operation - Grinding Shoulder Rumble Strips 08/02/2024
D-704-57 Two-way, Two-lane Operation on Divided Highway With Excavation in the Median 08/21/2024