This section of our website is designed to provide useful information to consultants and engineers interested in doing business with the NDDOT. Included on this page, you will find a variety of information including forms, guidelines and other resources to help you provide transportation and consulting related services which meet the guidelines of the NDDOT.
- Construction Records Manual
- Consultant Administration Services Procedure Manual
- Progress Estimate User Guide
- Daily Paving Workbook
- Land Use and Transportation Planning
- Local Government Manual
- Standard Highway Signs Manual
- Bridge Inspection Manual
- Load Rating Manual
- Survey Photo Manual
- Value Engineering Manual
- Spec and Code List
- Consultant Administration Services - Errors and Omissions Procedures
- Traffic Operations Manual
- Indirect Cost Rate Submission & Approval
- Uniform Audit & Accounting Guide from AASHTO (available for purchase)
- ND Brand Guidelines
- Brand At a Glance
- NDDOT Writing Style Guide
- NDDOT Logos
- Transportation Imagery
- Public Input Meeting - News Release Template
- PowerPoint Template
All NDDOT materials produced by consultants and contractors should be brand compliant. The creation of websites is prohibited. Please email the Communications Division with questions regarding brand guidelines, website development and creation of NDDOT materials.