Broadband Facilities on State Highway Right of Way
The NDDOT is responsible for supporting, facilitating, resource sharing, and permitting broadband installation in State Right-Of-Way. The NDDOT is committed to continuing to provide professional service to telecommunication companies seeking to expand broadband deployment to underserved communities throughout North Dakota in accordance with Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) final rule §645.307(a)(2) through:
- Electronically notifying and registering Broadband Infrastructure Entities seeking to collaborate on facilitating their infrastructure within State Right-Of-Way.
- Electronically notifying Broadband Infrastructure Entities of the NDDOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Plan (STIP) and other local transportation and land use plans on an annual basis.

To support the expansion of broadband infrastructure* in North Dakota by effectively facilitating multiple broadband utility entities within state right-of-way while reducing repeated excavations.
*Broadband - any buried, underground, or aerial facility, and any wireless or wireline connection, that enables users to send and receive voice, video, data, graphics, or any combination thereof,” 47 USCC 1504(a)(2), and “broadband infrastructure entity” as “any entity that installs, owns, or operates broadband infrastructure and provides broadband services in a manner consistent with the public interest, convenience, and necessity, as determined by the State.” 47 U.S.C. 1504(a)(3)
Dig Once FAQ
What is Dig Once?
Coordinating highway construction projects with the installation of broadband facilities may save on costs incurred by repeated excavation in areas where the entire ROW is paved or developed. Coordination also helps to reduce deployment time by preventing the need to acquire duplicative federal reviews and permits for work done at the same location.
Is there a state or federal Dig Once policy?
No. However, the state encourages coordinating broadband installations with highway construction to reduce impacts to the public.
What are the benefits of Dig Once?
Reduces impacts to the traveling public. Speeds up project implementation. Reduces costs associated with broadband facility installation.
Where can I find more resources on Dig Once?
Learn more by reading the Federal Highway Administration Dig Once policy brief.
Related Resources
Project Updates and Contact Us
You can sign up for project updates through GovDelivery.
If you are interested in installing broadband, permits should be filed through the district. Complete this form to submit your request.