About ITS

About ITS

Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are systems that utilize technology, communications and information processing to improve transportation safety and mobility and enhance the productivity of our transportation infrastructure.

Benefits for North Dakota

Benefits for North Dakota


ITS allow the public to be informed with real-time information and status of road conditions. Knowing both gives the motoring public options when making their travel plans and selecting their routes.


Improve efficiency of the existing transportation network by improving traffic signal systems and improving traffic management during road construction and special events.


ITS enhance safe transportation for residents, visitors and travelers by reducing weather-related traffic incidents.


Provide a transportation system that supports economic development, improves tourist access and convenience, and creates linkages throughout the state, region and nation. Promote responsible agency stewardship through coordination among local and regional stakeholders, which results in better use of public funds.

Image of DeMers Avenue sign on traffic light poles with trees and buildings in the background