Number Title Category Status Year
MR 02-01 Microsurfacing Performance Evaluation Pavement Treatments Completed 2002
MR 04-01 Effects of HBP Paver Motion on Ride Quality Asphalt Completed 2004
MR 04-02 Texcote XL-70C Bridge Cote as a Concrete Surface Finish & Curing Compound Miscellaneous Completed 2004
MR 04-03 Evaluation of Rumble Stripes Pavement Markings Completed 2004
MR 08-01 Evaluation of American Polymer's Graffiti Solution System® (GSS) Miscellaneous Completed 2008
MR 10-01 TowPLow Evaluation Miscellaneous Completed 2010
MR 10-02 Warm Mix Asphalt Asphalt Completed 2010
MR 10-03 Evaluation of Snow Plow Blade Systems Miscellaneous Completed 2010
MR 11-01 Evaluation of "Safety Edge" on Asphalt Pavement Miscellaneous Completed 2011
MR 13-01 Evaluation of East Jordan Iron Works 3025 SELFLEVEL Manhole Casting Miscellaneous Completed 2013
MR 96-02 Polysulfied Joint Sealing Concrete Completed 1996
MR 96-03 Fiber Dowel Bars Concrete Completed 1996
MR 97-01 Unsealed Joints in New Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Concrete Completed 1997
MR 97-02 Performance of Stabilized Base Base Completed 1997
MR 97-06 Crafco Experimental Sealant to Level Depressed Cracks and PCCP Spall Repair Asphalt Completed 1997
MR 98-01 Evaluation of Water-Borne Pavement Markings Paint Pavement Markings Completed 1998
MR 99-01 Evaluation of Epoxy Pavement Markings Pavement Markings Completed 1999
ND 00-01 Six-Cell Seal Delastic Sealer Concrete Completed 2000
ND 00-02 3M Liquid Pavement Markings Asphalt Completed 2000
ND 01-01 Use of Stainless Steel Alternative for a Corrosion Resistance Structure Bridge Active 2001
ND 02-01 Base Reinforcement Using Geogrid Geotextile Active 2002
ND 02-02 Performance of HBP vs. PCC Pavement Asphalt Completed 2002
ND 02-04 3U18 Mix for Dowel Bar Retrofit Concrete Completed 2002
ND 03-01 Comparison of Rehabilitation Strategies on Long Term Ride Performance Asphalt Active 2003
ND 03-02 Concrete Bridge Deck Sealants Bridge Completed 2003
ND 03-03 Dowel Bar Retrofix Mix MR0301 Concrete Completed 2003
ND 04-01 Maximum Percentage of Asphalt Material in a Blended Base Base Completed 2004
ND 05-01 Lightweight Profiler for Ride Quality on Asphalt & Concrete Pavements Miscellaneous Completed 2005
ND 07-01 High Density Polyethylene Pipe Miscellaneous Completed 2007
ND 07-02 Bridge Deck and Roadway Surface Treatments Concrete Active 2007
ND 09-01 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repair Concrete Active 2009
ND 10-01 Evaluation of Wet-Reflective Elements for Pavement Markings Pavement Markings Completed 2010
ND 10-02 Warm Mix Asphalt Asphalt Completed 2010
ND 10-03 ScourStop Flow Transition Mats for Scour Protection Miscellaneous Completed 2010
ND 11-01 Evaluation of Grooved Pavement Markings Pavement Markings Completed 2011
ND 11-02 Evotherm 3G, Advera WMA and Foamed Asphalt Comparison Asphalt Active 2011
ND 12-01 Evaluation of Ultra Guard Safety System on Guardrails and Barrier Walls Miscellaneous Completed 2012
ND 13-03 SprayWall Pipe Liner Miscellaneous Active 2013
ND 14-01 Evaluation of Permazyme 11x Soil Stabilization Soils Active 2014
ND 15-01 Evaluation of Conglomerate Optics Pavement Markings Completed 2015
ND 91-01 Base Reinforcement Using Geogrid Geotextile Completed 1991
ND 91-03 3M's Stamark Pliant Polymer Pavement Marking Tape, A380 Pavement Markings Completed 1991
ND 91-04 Silane and Hot Bituminous Overlay as a Treatment for "D" Cracking on PCC Pavement Treatments Completed 1991
ND 92-02 Stratagrid's A-100 Ability to Strengthen an Asphalt Overlay Asphalt Completed 1992
ND 92-03 Road Condition Weather Monitor Maintenance Completed 1992
ND 92-05 Permeable Asphalt Stabilized Base Beneath an Asphalt Pavement Asphalt Completed 1992
ND 94-01 Saw and Seal Over the Overlaid Existing Concrete Joints Asphalt Completed 1994
ND 94-02 Paveprep Inter Layer to Halt or Retard Reflective Cracking Asphalt Completed 1994
ND 94-05 Moisture Sensors in Base and Sub-base Soils Completed 1994
ND 94-07 Optical Camera in Edge Drains Miscellaneous Completed 1994
ND 94-08 Silicone Versus Preformed Compression Joint Seals for Concrete Pavement Concrete Completed 1994
ND 94-09 Evaluation of Tining Widths to Reduce Noise of Concrete Roadways Concrete Completed 1994
ND 94-12 Polycarb's Mark-55 Series Epoxy Pavement Marking Pavement Markings Completed 1994
ND 95-02 Crushed PCC Material as a Drainable Base Base Completed 1995
ND 95-03 Dowel Bar Retrofit for Load Transfer Concrete Completed 1995
ND 96-01 Wasser Single Component Moisture Cured Paint for Bridge Maint. Overcoating Bridge Completed 1996
ND 96-02 Soil Guard Bonded Fiber Matrix for Erosion Control Soils Completed 1996
ND 96-03 Modified Chip Seal Surface Treatments Pavement Treatments Completed 1996
ND 96-04 Evaluation of Crafco Crack Sealants on Asphalt Pavements Pavement Treatments Completed 1996
ND 97-01 Whitetopping an Existing Asphalt Pavement with Polyolefin Fiber Enriched PCC Concrete Completed 1997
ND 97-02 Evaluation of an Experimental Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Project Concrete Completed 1997
ND 97-03 Performance of Different Classes of Hot Bituminous Pavement Asphalt Completed 1997
ND 98-01 Portland Cement as a Rehab Option for Overlaying an Existing Asphalt Roadway Concrete Completed 1998
ND 98-02 Snow Management by Use of Snow Fence Systems Miscellaneous Completed 1998
ND 98-03 Vegetation Barriers Around Headwalls of Edge Drains Miscellaneous Completed 1998
ND 98-04 Use of Snow Plowable, Reflective Pavement Markers for Effective Delineation Pavement Markings Completed 1998
ND 98-05 Saw & Sealing Joints in Bituminous Pavement Asphalt Completed 1998
ND 98-06 Fabric Reinforced Backfill Under Approach Slabs Bridge Completed 1998
ND 99-02 Tining Versus Carpet Dragging for Texturing PCC Pavements Concrete Active 1999
NDSU 00-01 Design of a High-Performance Concrete Mix for use in Dowel Bar Retrofit University Research Completed 2000
NDSU 01-01 Cost Effective Non-Flammable Pipe Liners University Research Completed 2001
NDSU 08-01 Use of Thermal Camera During Asphalt Pavement Construction University Research Completed 2008
NDSU 11-01 Warm Mix Asphalt Processes Applicable to North Dakota University Research Completed 2011
NDSU 11-02 Field Investigation of Warm Mix Asphalt Temperatures University Research Completed 2011
NDSU 13-01 Asphalt Pavement Thermal Crack Maintenance Best Management Practice Asphalt Completed 2013
NDSU 13-02 Survey/Literature Review of Fast-Track PCC Pvmnt Repair Process and Materials Concrete Completed 2013
NDSU 17-01 Heated Pavement Marking System by Conductive, Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete University Research Completed 2017
UND 02-02 Effects of Water Reducer Admixtures on Concrete Strength and Durability University Research Completed 2002
UND 02-03 Cold in-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements in the Northern Plains Region University Research Completed 2002
UND 03-01 Low Permeable Concrete Bridge Deck University Research Completed 2003
UND 03-02 Bridge Monitoring Project University Research Completed 2003
UND 04-01 ND's AC Binder Properties & Performance University Research Completed 2004
UND 06-01 Application of Sealing Agents in Concrete Durability of Infrastructure Systems University Research Completed 2006
UND 06-02 ND's Agg Characteristics &Performance in Locally Produced HMA Mixtures Using APA University Research Completed 2006
UND 06-03 Coarse-Graded Superpave HMA Pavements in ND Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer University Research Completed 2006
UND 07-01 Analysis of Environmental Sensor Station Deployment Alternatives University Research Completed 2007
UND 08-01 Evaluation of ND's 4.75 mm Local Gyratory Mix for Thin Overlay Applications University Research Completed 2008
UND 08-02 Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) for Use in ND Transportation Projects Concrete Completed 2008
UND 11-01 Rut Resistance Performance of Warm Mix Asphalts in North Dakota University Research Completed 2011
UND 19-01 Snow-Melting Technique for Concrete Pavements University Research Completed 2019
UND 19-02 Developing Balanced Mix Design Gyrations (Ndesign) for ND HMA Pavements University Research Completed 2019
UND 20-01 Advanced Evaluation Methods for Concrete Bridge Decks Bridge Completed 2020
Number Title Status Year
ND 98-05 Saw & Sealing Joints in Bituminous Pavement Completed 1998
ND 02-02 Performance of HBP vs. PCC Pavement Completed 2002
ND 94-01 Saw and Seal Over the Overlaid Existing Concrete Joints Completed 1994
ND 11-02 Evotherm 3G, Advera WMA and Foamed Asphalt Comparison Active 2011
ND 03-01 Comparison of Rehabilitation Strategies on Long Term Ride Performance Active 2003
ND 92-05 Permeable Asphalt Stabilized Base Beneath an Asphalt Pavement Completed 1992
NDSU 13-01 Asphalt Pavement Thermal Crack Maintenance Best Management Practice Completed 2013
ND 97-03 Performance of Different Classes of Hot Bituminous Pavement Completed 1997
ND 00-02 3M Liquid Pavement Markings Completed 2000
ND 92-02 Stratagrid's A-100 Ability to Strengthen an Asphalt Overlay Completed 1992
ND 10-02 Warm Mix Asphalt Completed 2010
MR 97-06 Crafco Experimental Sealant to Level Depressed Cracks and PCCP Spall Repair Completed 1997
MR 04-01 Effects of HBP Paver Motion on Ride Quality Completed 2004
MR 10-02 Warm Mix Asphalt Completed 2010
ND 94-02 Paveprep Inter Layer to Halt or Retard Reflective Cracking Completed 1994
Number Title Status Year
ND 95-02 Crushed PCC Material as a Drainable Base Completed 1995
ND 04-01 Maximum Percentage of Asphalt Material in a Blended Base Completed 2004
MR 97-02 Performance of Stabilized Base Completed 1997
Number Title Status Year
ND 03-02 Concrete Bridge Deck Sealants Completed 2003
ND 96-01 Wasser Single Component Moisture Cured Paint for Bridge Maint. Overcoating Completed 1996
ND 01-01 Use of Stainless Steel Alternative for a Corrosion Resistance Structure Active 2001
ND 98-06 Fabric Reinforced Backfill Under Approach Slabs Completed 1998
UND 20-01 Advanced Evaluation Methods for Concrete Bridge Decks Completed 2020
Number Title Status Year
ND 95-03 Dowel Bar Retrofit for Load Transfer Completed 1995
ND 07-02 Bridge Deck and Roadway Surface Treatments Active 2007
ND 98-01 Portland Cement as a Rehab Option for Overlaying an Existing Asphalt Roadway Completed 1998
UND 08-02 Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) for Use in ND Transportation Projects Completed 2008
ND 03-03 Dowel Bar Retrofix Mix MR0301 Completed 2003
ND 99-02 Tining Versus Carpet Dragging for Texturing PCC Pavements Active 1999
NDSU 13-02 Survey/Literature Review of Fast-Track PCC Pvmnt Repair Process and Materials Completed 2013
MR 96-03 Fiber Dowel Bars Completed 1996
ND 09-01 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repair Active 2009
MR 96-02 Polysulfied Joint Sealing Completed 1996
ND 97-02 Evaluation of an Experimental Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Project Completed 1997
ND 00-01 Six-Cell Seal Delastic Sealer Completed 2000
ND 97-01 Whitetopping an Existing Asphalt Pavement with Polyolefin Fiber Enriched PCC Completed 1997
ND 94-09 Evaluation of Tining Widths to Reduce Noise of Concrete Roadways Completed 1994
ND 94-08 Silicone Versus Preformed Compression Joint Seals for Concrete Pavement Completed 1994
MR 97-01 Unsealed Joints in New Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Completed 1997
ND 02-04 3U18 Mix for Dowel Bar Retrofit Completed 2002
Number Title Status Year
ND 02-01 Base Reinforcement Using Geogrid Active 2002
ND 91-01 Base Reinforcement Using Geogrid Completed 1991
Number Title Status Year
ND 92-03 Road Condition Weather Monitor Completed 1992
Number Title Status Year
ND 98-03 Vegetation Barriers Around Headwalls of Edge Drains Completed 1998
ND 98-02 Snow Management by Use of Snow Fence Systems Completed 1998
ND 07-01 High Density Polyethylene Pipe Completed 2007
MR 11-01 Evaluation of "Safety Edge" on Asphalt Pavement Completed 2011
ND 12-01 Evaluation of Ultra Guard Safety System on Guardrails and Barrier Walls Completed 2012
MR 08-01 Evaluation of American Polymer's Graffiti Solution System® (GSS) Completed 2008
ND 13-03 SprayWall Pipe Liner Active 2013
MR 13-01 Evaluation of East Jordan Iron Works 3025 SELFLEVEL Manhole Casting Completed 2013
ND 10-03 ScourStop Flow Transition Mats for Scour Protection Completed 2010
MR 04-02 Texcote XL-70C Bridge Cote as a Concrete Surface Finish & Curing Compound Completed 2004
MR 10-03 Evaluation of Snow Plow Blade Systems Completed 2010
ND 05-01 Lightweight Profiler for Ride Quality on Asphalt & Concrete Pavements Completed 2005
ND 94-07 Optical Camera in Edge Drains Completed 1994
MR 10-01 TowPLow Evaluation Completed 2010
Pavement Markings
Number Title Status Year
ND 98-04 Use of Snow Plowable, Reflective Pavement Markers for Effective Delineation Completed 1998
ND 11-01 Evaluation of Grooved Pavement Markings Completed 2011
MR 98-01 Evaluation of Water-Borne Pavement Markings Paint Completed 1998
ND 91-03 3M's Stamark Pliant Polymer Pavement Marking Tape, A380 Completed 1991
MR 99-01 Evaluation of Epoxy Pavement Markings Completed 1999
MR 04-03 Evaluation of Rumble Stripes Completed 2004
ND 94-12 Polycarb's Mark-55 Series Epoxy Pavement Marking Completed 1994
ND 15-01 Evaluation of Conglomerate Optics Completed 2015
ND 10-01 Evaluation of Wet-Reflective Elements for Pavement Markings Completed 2010
Pavement Treatments
Number Title Status Year
MR 02-01 Microsurfacing Performance Evaluation Completed 2002
ND 96-04 Evaluation of Crafco Crack Sealants on Asphalt Pavements Completed 1996
ND 91-04 Silane and Hot Bituminous Overlay as a Treatment for "D" Cracking on PCC Completed 1991
ND 96-03 Modified Chip Seal Surface Treatments Completed 1996
Number Title Status Year
ND 96-02 Soil Guard Bonded Fiber Matrix for Erosion Control Completed 1996
ND 14-01 Evaluation of Permazyme 11x Soil Stabilization Active 2014
ND 94-05 Moisture Sensors in Base and Sub-base Completed 1994
University Research
Number Title Status Year
UND 06-01 Application of Sealing Agents in Concrete Durability of Infrastructure Systems Completed 2006
NDSU 11-02 Field Investigation of Warm Mix Asphalt Temperatures Completed 2011
UND 07-01 Analysis of Environmental Sensor Station Deployment Alternatives Completed 2007
NDSU 11-01 Warm Mix Asphalt Processes Applicable to North Dakota Completed 2011
UND 03-02 Bridge Monitoring Project Completed 2003
UND 03-01 Low Permeable Concrete Bridge Deck Completed 2003
UND 08-01 Evaluation of ND's 4.75 mm Local Gyratory Mix for Thin Overlay Applications Completed 2008
NDSU 08-01 Use of Thermal Camera During Asphalt Pavement Construction Completed 2008
NDSU 00-01 Design of a High-Performance Concrete Mix for use in Dowel Bar Retrofit Completed 2000
UND 04-01 ND's AC Binder Properties & Performance Completed 2004
NDSU 01-01 Cost Effective Non-Flammable Pipe Liners Completed 2001
NDSU 17-01 Heated Pavement Marking System by Conductive, Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete Completed 2017
UND 19-02 Developing Balanced Mix Design Gyrations (Ndesign) for ND HMA Pavements Completed 2019
UND 02-03 Cold in-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements in the Northern Plains Region Completed 2002
UND 19-01 Snow-Melting Technique for Concrete Pavements Completed 2019
UND 02-02 Effects of Water Reducer Admixtures on Concrete Strength and Durability Completed 2002
UND 06-03 Coarse-Graded Superpave HMA Pavements in ND Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer Completed 2006
UND 06-02 ND's Agg Characteristics &Performance in Locally Produced HMA Mixtures Using APA Completed 2006
UND 11-01 Rut Resistance Performance of Warm Mix Asphalts in North Dakota Completed 2011
Number Title Category Year
ND 98-05 Saw & Sealing Joints in Bituminous Pavement Asphalt 1998
ND 02-02 Performance of HBP vs. PCC Pavement Asphalt 2002
ND 94-01 Saw and Seal Over the Overlaid Existing Concrete Joints Asphalt 1994
ND 92-05 Permeable Asphalt Stabilized Base Beneath an Asphalt Pavement Asphalt 1992
NDSU 13-01 Asphalt Pavement Thermal Crack Maintenance Best Management Practice Asphalt 2013
ND 97-03 Performance of Different Classes of Hot Bituminous Pavement Asphalt 1997
ND 00-02 3M Liquid Pavement Markings Asphalt 2000
ND 92-02 Stratagrid's A-100 Ability to Strengthen an Asphalt Overlay Asphalt 1992
ND 10-02 Warm Mix Asphalt Asphalt 2010
MR 97-06 Crafco Experimental Sealant to Level Depressed Cracks and PCCP Spall Repair Asphalt 1997
MR 04-01 Effects of HBP Paver Motion on Ride Quality Asphalt 2004
MR 10-02 Warm Mix Asphalt Asphalt 2010
ND 94-02 Paveprep Inter Layer to Halt or Retard Reflective Cracking Asphalt 1994
ND 95-02 Crushed PCC Material as a Drainable Base Base 1995
ND 04-01 Maximum Percentage of Asphalt Material in a Blended Base Base 2004
MR 97-02 Performance of Stabilized Base Base 1997
ND 03-02 Concrete Bridge Deck Sealants Bridge 2003
ND 96-01 Wasser Single Component Moisture Cured Paint for Bridge Maint. Overcoating Bridge 1996
ND 98-06 Fabric Reinforced Backfill Under Approach Slabs Bridge 1998
UND 20-01 Advanced Evaluation Methods for Concrete Bridge Decks Bridge 2020
ND 95-03 Dowel Bar Retrofit for Load Transfer Concrete 1995
ND 98-01 Portland Cement as a Rehab Option for Overlaying an Existing Asphalt Roadway Concrete 1998
UND 08-02 Self Consolidating Concrete (SCC) for Use in ND Transportation Projects Concrete 2008
ND 03-03 Dowel Bar Retrofix Mix MR0301 Concrete 2003
NDSU 13-02 Survey/Literature Review of Fast-Track PCC Pvmnt Repair Process and Materials Concrete 2013
MR 96-03 Fiber Dowel Bars Concrete 1996
MR 96-02 Polysulfied Joint Sealing Concrete 1996
ND 97-02 Evaluation of an Experimental Portland Cement Concrete Pavement Project Concrete 1997
ND 00-01 Six-Cell Seal Delastic Sealer Concrete 2000
ND 97-01 Whitetopping an Existing Asphalt Pavement with Polyolefin Fiber Enriched PCC Concrete 1997
ND 94-09 Evaluation of Tining Widths to Reduce Noise of Concrete Roadways Concrete 1994
ND 94-08 Silicone Versus Preformed Compression Joint Seals for Concrete Pavement Concrete 1994
MR 97-01 Unsealed Joints in New Portland Cement Concrete Pavements Concrete 1997
ND 02-04 3U18 Mix for Dowel Bar Retrofit Concrete 2002
ND 91-01 Base Reinforcement Using Geogrid Geotextile 1991
ND 92-03 Road Condition Weather Monitor Maintenance 1992
ND 98-03 Vegetation Barriers Around Headwalls of Edge Drains Miscellaneous 1998
ND 98-02 Snow Management by Use of Snow Fence Systems Miscellaneous 1998
ND 07-01 High Density Polyethylene Pipe Miscellaneous 2007
MR 11-01 Evaluation of "Safety Edge" on Asphalt Pavement Miscellaneous 2011
ND 12-01 Evaluation of Ultra Guard Safety System on Guardrails and Barrier Walls Miscellaneous 2012
MR 08-01 Evaluation of American Polymer's Graffiti Solution System® (GSS) Miscellaneous 2008
MR 13-01 Evaluation of East Jordan Iron Works 3025 SELFLEVEL Manhole Casting Miscellaneous 2013
ND 10-03 ScourStop Flow Transition Mats for Scour Protection Miscellaneous 2010
MR 04-02 Texcote XL-70C Bridge Cote as a Concrete Surface Finish & Curing Compound Miscellaneous 2004
MR 10-03 Evaluation of Snow Plow Blade Systems Miscellaneous 2010
ND 05-01 Lightweight Profiler for Ride Quality on Asphalt & Concrete Pavements Miscellaneous 2005
ND 94-07 Optical Camera in Edge Drains Miscellaneous 1994
MR 10-01 TowPLow Evaluation Miscellaneous 2010
ND 98-04 Use of Snow Plowable, Reflective Pavement Markers for Effective Delineation Pavement Markings 1998
ND 11-01 Evaluation of Grooved Pavement Markings Pavement Markings 2011
MR 98-01 Evaluation of Water-Borne Pavement Markings Paint Pavement Markings 1998
ND 91-03 3M's Stamark Pliant Polymer Pavement Marking Tape, A380 Pavement Markings 1991
MR 99-01 Evaluation of Epoxy Pavement Markings Pavement Markings 1999
MR 04-03 Evaluation of Rumble Stripes Pavement Markings 2004
ND 94-12 Polycarb's Mark-55 Series Epoxy Pavement Marking Pavement Markings 1994
ND 15-01 Evaluation of Conglomerate Optics Pavement Markings 2015
ND 10-01 Evaluation of Wet-Reflective Elements for Pavement Markings Pavement Markings 2010
MR 02-01 Microsurfacing Performance Evaluation Pavement Treatments 2002
ND 96-04 Evaluation of Crafco Crack Sealants on Asphalt Pavements Pavement Treatments 1996
ND 91-04 Silane and Hot Bituminous Overlay as a Treatment for "D" Cracking on PCC Pavement Treatments 1991
ND 96-03 Modified Chip Seal Surface Treatments Pavement Treatments 1996
ND 96-02 Soil Guard Bonded Fiber Matrix for Erosion Control Soils 1996
ND 94-05 Moisture Sensors in Base and Sub-base Soils 1994
UND 06-01 Application of Sealing Agents in Concrete Durability of Infrastructure Systems University Research 2006
NDSU 11-02 Field Investigation of Warm Mix Asphalt Temperatures University Research 2011
UND 07-01 Analysis of Environmental Sensor Station Deployment Alternatives University Research 2007
NDSU 11-01 Warm Mix Asphalt Processes Applicable to North Dakota University Research 2011
UND 03-02 Bridge Monitoring Project University Research 2003
UND 03-01 Low Permeable Concrete Bridge Deck University Research 2003
UND 08-01 Evaluation of ND's 4.75 mm Local Gyratory Mix for Thin Overlay Applications University Research 2008
NDSU 08-01 Use of Thermal Camera During Asphalt Pavement Construction University Research 2008
NDSU 00-01 Design of a High-Performance Concrete Mix for use in Dowel Bar Retrofit University Research 2000
UND 04-01 ND's AC Binder Properties & Performance University Research 2004
NDSU 01-01 Cost Effective Non-Flammable Pipe Liners University Research 2001
NDSU 17-01 Heated Pavement Marking System by Conductive, Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Concrete University Research 2017
UND 19-02 Developing Balanced Mix Design Gyrations (Ndesign) for ND HMA Pavements University Research 2019
UND 02-03 Cold in-Place Recycling of Asphalt Pavements in the Northern Plains Region University Research 2002
UND 19-01 Snow-Melting Technique for Concrete Pavements University Research 2019
UND 02-02 Effects of Water Reducer Admixtures on Concrete Strength and Durability University Research 2002
UND 06-03 Coarse-Graded Superpave HMA Pavements in ND Using the Asphalt Pavement Analyzer University Research 2006
UND 06-02 ND's Agg Characteristics &Performance in Locally Produced HMA Mixtures Using APA University Research 2006
UND 11-01 Rut Resistance Performance of Warm Mix Asphalts in North Dakota University Research 2011
Number Title Category Year
ND 11-02 Evotherm 3G, Advera WMA and Foamed Asphalt Comparison Asphalt 2011
ND 03-01 Comparison of Rehabilitation Strategies on Long Term Ride Performance Asphalt 2003
ND 01-01 Use of Stainless Steel Alternative for a Corrosion Resistance Structure Bridge 2001
ND 07-02 Bridge Deck and Roadway Surface Treatments Concrete 2007
ND 99-02 Tining Versus Carpet Dragging for Texturing PCC Pavements Concrete 1999
ND 09-01 Reinforced Concrete Pipe Repair Concrete 2009
ND 02-01 Base Reinforcement Using Geogrid Geotextile 2002
ND 13-03 SprayWall Pipe Liner Miscellaneous 2013
ND 14-01 Evaluation of Permazyme 11x Soil Stabilization Soils 2014