2024 North Dakota Plow Names Selected

The North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) has selected the winners for the NDDOT Name-A-Plow Contest. Snowplow names were submitted from across North Dakota throughout the duration of the contest, which ran for two weeks in November.
Winners will have the opportunity to meet with the operator of the plow they named, as well as have their snowplow name displayed on the snowplow.
Previous Winners
2024 Name-A-Plow Contest Winners
- Bismarck District: Snow Force One
- Devils Lake District: Optimus Brine
- Dickinson District: Mr. Snowjangles
- Fargo District: Clearapathra
- Grand Forks District: Plower Ranger
- Minot District: Iron Bladen
- Valley City District: Sled Zeppelin
- Williston District: Catch My Drift
2023 Name-A-Plow Contest Winners
- Bismarck District: Brrrrrnie
- Devils Lake District: Polar Patroler
- Dickinson District: Cousin Eddie
- Fargo District: Sno' Problem
- Grand Forks District: Blizzard of OZ
- Minot District: Buzz Iceclear
- Valley City District: Drift Busters
- Williston District: Alice Scooper
2022 Name-A-Plow Contest Winners
- Bismarck District: Plowabunga
- Devils Lake District: Scoop Dogg
- Dickinson District: Big Leplowski
- Fargo District: Plow Force One
- Grand Forks District: Austin Plowers
- Minot District: CtrlSaltDelete
- Valley City District: Sleetwood Mac
- Williston District: Blizzard Buster
2021 Name-A-Plow Contest Winners
- Bismarck District: Darth Blader
- Devils Lake District: Blizzard Wizard
- Dickinson District: Plowasaurus Rex
- Fargo District: Below Zero Hero
- Grand Forks District: Storming Norman
- Minot District: Truck Norris
- Valley City District: Orange Thunder
- Williston District: Plowzilla