The Urban Grant Program provides an opportunity for cities with a population of over 5,000 to make transportation infrastructure improvements within core business districts. Improvements are intended to promote multimodal transportation.
Deadline for Urban Grant Program Applications: December 31, 2024
UGP Application Guidance
Please keep in mind the following information when completing your Urban Grant Program application:
- Projects must be vetted through a public involvement process to ensure community support for the project prior to submitting the application.
- This program is funded with federal aid. As such, projects must meet all federal requirements. Design must comply with NDDOT and AASHTO design requirements.
- All features included with the project must be located within the roadway right of way. Improvements cannot be made to private property.
- ADA ramps will most likely need to be updated with the project. Include this work and associated cost in the application.
- Traffic signal upgrades/replacements must meet warrants and be approved by NDDOT.
- Wayfinding is not eligible for this program.
- Welcome signs are not eligible for federal aid.
- Public art is not eligible for this program.
- Aesthetic/streetscape features must be transportation related.
- Project cannot include work in alleys, parking lots or parks.
- Scope of project cannot change after application is submitted and award is granted.
- Federal funds for construction of the project must be obligated within the fiscal year of the award.
- A detailed construction cost estimate must be submitted with the application and must include all phases in which funds are requested (e.g., construction, construction engineering, right of way, preliminary engineering, and utility relocation).
- A project location map must be included with the application.
- An existing and proposed cross section of the roadway/facility must be included with the application.
- A map of underground utilities (water and sanitary sewer) must be included with the application.
Examples of Eligible Activities
Below is a list of eligible work activities for the Urban Grant Program. Please keep in mind that this list is only a sample and is not all-inclusive.
- Road diets
- Bulb-outs
- Pavement
- Bike lanes
- Bike racks
- Sidewalk
- ADA ramps
- Pedestrian beacons
- Signals
- Decorative lighting
- Decorative or colored concrete
- Benches
- Trash receptacles
- Planters
- Bus stops
- Bus shelters
- Trees
How to Apply
If your Local Public Agency (LPA) is interested in submitting an application for an Urban Grant Program project to be funded in federal fiscal year 2028, please provide the following information by December 31, 2024:
- A completed UGP Application signed by the LPA and NDDOT's District Engineer (if impacting a State Highway)
- Detailed cost estimate
- A map showing the limits of the project (beginning and ending), no larger than 11x17
- Relevant excerpts from adopted plans
- Cross section of roadway/facility
- A map of underground utilities (water and sanitary sewer) within the project limits
- Pictures, graphics and/or other visual aids
Please submit complete applications to:
Local Government Division
North Dakota Department of Transportation
608 East Boulevard Avenue
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0700
Phone: 701-328-4469
TTY: 1-800-366-6888
Email: Urban Grant Program Manager
Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Coordination
Projects in Grand Forks, Minot, Fargo/West Fargo and Bismarck/Mandan metro areas must be submitted to the local MPO, with the MPO submitting the application to the NDDOT. MPO contact information:
Bismarck-Mandan MPO
221 North 5th Street
Bismarck, ND 58506
Phone: 701-355-1848
Fargo-Moorhead Council of Governments
Case Plaza Center Suite 232
1 2nd Street
North Fargo, ND 58102
Phone: 701-232-3242
Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO
PO Box 5200
Grand Forks, ND 58206-5200
Phone: 701-746-2657
Central Dakota MPO
10 3rd Ave SW, Minot, ND 58701 Phone: 701-420-4524
The amount of funding a project receives will be determined from the cost estimate included with the project application. Preliminary and construction engineering, right-of-way, utility relocation and construction are eligible phases for federal aid. This program will participate in all requested Title 23 CFR eligible activities up to the approved award. For projects on the State Highway System, the NDDOT will determine either to complete activities with internal staff or will hire a qualified consultant following the procedures outlined in the CAS Manual. For projects on the Urban Roads System, the city must follow the CAS Manual procedures for consultant selection if using federal aid.
All cost overruns or ineligible costs will be the responsibility of the LPA.
The LPA matching funds must be from a non-federal source.

Project Selection

The NDDOT will distribute these funds through an advisory committee comprised of six members. This six-member group consists of representatives from:
- Metropolitan Planning Organization
- ND League of Cities
- Bank of ND
- ND Department of Commerce
- NDDOT Local Government Division
- NDDOT Programming Division
Projects are selected on a competitive basis. The advisory committee will review the submitted applications and prioritize the projects to be submitted to the director for funding.
Previously Awarded Projects
FY 2027
- Minot: 3rd Street (3rd Street Viaduct to Front Street SE), Central Avenue (3rd Street to 4th Street) - Reconstruction, curb & gutter, sidewalk, ADA ramps, lighting, traffic signals, pedestrian crossings, watermain, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, streetscaping. Consideration of road diet, bike lanes, bus stops.
FY 2026
- Valley City: 2nd St N (3rd Ave NW to 4th Ave NE), 3rd Ave NE (Main to 2nd St NE)
- Reconstructions, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, ADA Improvements, Driveways, Storm Sewer, Decorative Lighting, Landscaping, Streetscaping, Watermain and Sanitary Sewer
- Bismarck: Front Ave (Mandan St to S 9th St), 3rd St (Front Ave to Main Ave), 5th St (Bowen Ave to Main Ave)
- Mill and overlay, Curb and Gutter Repairs, Sidewalk Repairs, ADA Ramps, Pavement Marking, Watermain Replacement, Roadway and Pedestrian Lighting, Street Trees, Traffic Signal Improvements, Bike Racks, Signing
FY 2025
- Grand Forks: N 4th St (1st Ave N to 2nd Ave N)
- Reconstruction, Curb Bulb-outs, Decorative Sidewalks, Ornamental Streetlights, Streetscaping, Storm Sewer
- Mandan: Phase 1: 1st St NW (6th Ave NW to 4th Ave NW), 5th Ave NW (1st St NW to 2nd St NW), 4th Ave NW (Main to 2nd St NW)
- Reconstructions with Beautification Elements, Watermain Replacement, Storm Sewer, Sidewalks, LED Lighting
FY 2024
- Bismarck: 3rd Street (Main Ave to Rosser Ave), Rosser Ave (3rd St to 7th St), 4th Street & 5th Street (Rosser Ave to Thayer Ave), Broadway Ave (3rd St to 4th St, 6th St to 7th St)
- Mill and Overlay, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, ADA Ramps, Pavement Marking, Roadway and Pedestrian LED Lighting, Street Trees, Landscaping, Signal Modifications, Signing
- Grand Forks: Intersection of Belmont Road & S 5th Street
- Roundabout with Decorative Center, Lighting, Sidewalks, Storm Sewer
- Valley City: 2nd Ave NW (2nd St NW to 4th St NW), 3rd St NW (2nd Ave NW to Central Ave N), 4th St N (2nd Ave NW to 2nd Ave NE)
- Reconstruction, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, ADA Improvements, Driveways, Storm Sewer, Decorative Lighting, Watermain and Sanitary Sewer, Streetscaping and Landscaping
FY 2023
- Wahpeton: 2nd Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 7th Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 8th Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 2nd Street S (Dakota Ave to railroad tracks)
- Reconstruction, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Parking, LED Lighting, Storm Sewer, Boulevard/Landscaping, Streetscaping
- Bismarck: 3rd Street (Main Ave to Rosser Ave), Rosser Ave (3rd St to 7th St), 4th Street & 5th Street (Rosser Ave to Thayer Ave), Broadway Ave (3rd St to 4th St, 6th St to 7th St)
- Mill and Overlay, Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk, ADA Ramps, Pavement Marking, Roadway and Pedestrian LED Lighting, Street Trees, Landscaping, Signal Modifications, Signing
FY 2022
- Bismarck: Thayer Ave (N 3rd St to N 6th St) and N 6th St (Main Ave to Rosser Ave)
- Bulb-outs, Sidewalk, ADA Ramps, LED Roadway Lighting and Pedestrian Lighting, Street Trees, Landscaping, Parking
- Grand Forks: N 4th Street (Demers Ave to 1st Ave N)
- Bulb-outs, Decorative Lighting, Decorative Sidewalks, Streetscaping
- Wahpeton: 3rd Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 6th Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 9th Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 11th Street N (Dakota Ave to 2nd Ave), 4th Street S (Dakota Ave to railroad tracks)
- Curb and Gutter, Sidewalks, Parking, LED Lighting, Boulevard/Landscaping, Streetscaping
FY 2021
- Bismarck: N 4th St (Main Ave to Thayer Ave), N 5th St (Main Ave to Thayer Ave), Broadway (N 4th St to N 6th St)
- Decorative Lighting, Signals, Sidewalk, ADA Ramps, Benches, Trash Receptacles
- Grand Forks: N 3rd St (University to DeMers Ave)
- Road Diet, Bulb-outs, Parking, Decorative Lighting, Planters
- Williston: 4th St (2nd Ave W to Main St)
- Decorative LED Lighting, Traffic Signals
FY 2020
- Jamestown: 1st Ave (8th St S to 5th St N), 5th St (1st Ave to 8th Ave W)
- Road Diet, Signals, Bulb-outs, Sidewalk, Bike Racks, Benches, Trash & Recycling Receptacles, Landscaping, LED Lighting
- West Fargo: Sheyenne St (Main Ave to 7th Ave)
- Road Diet, Bulb-outs, Sidewalk, Access Modifications, Parking, Streetscape, Street Furniture, Lighting, Bus Stop
FY 2019
- Bismarck: Main Ave (1000' W of Washington St to 7th St)
- Road Diet, Bulb-outs, Signals, ADA Ramps, Pavement Markings
- Dickinson: Villard St (State Ave to 10th Ave E)
- Decorative LED Lighting, Signals
- Mandan: Main St (6th Ave NW to Collins Ave)
- Road Diet, Bulb-outs, Decorative Lighting, Parking, Planters
- Valley City: Main St (2nd Ave W to 3rd Ave E), Central (Main St to 4th St), City Park
- Decorative Lighting, Signals, Sidewalks, Mill and Overlay, ADA Ramps, Benches, Trash Receptacles
FY 2018 (Pilot Program)
- Devils Lake: 2nd St NE, 3rd St NE, 4th St NE, 5th St NE, 6th St NE, 2nd Ave NE, 3rd Ave NE, 4th Ave NE, 5th Ave NE, 6th Ave NE, Railroad Ave
- Bulb-outs, Decorative Concrete, Sidewalk, Planters, Decorative Lighting, Signals, Landscaping, Benches, Trash Receptacles, Bike Racks, Monuments
- Fargo: 10th St (4th Ave N to 12th Ave N)
- Colored Concrete, Sidewalks, Trees, Bus Shelters, Bike Lanes, Decorative Lighting, Pedestrian Railing
- Valley City: 3rd Ave SE (4th St SE to Main St)
- Sidewalk, Decorative Lighting, Trees
- Valley City: Central Ave (Main St to 12th St N)
- Bulb-outs, Sidewalk, Decorative Lighting, Signals