North Dakota created the federally required Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Infrastructure Program to obtain National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program funding from the 2021 Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL). The Federal NEVI Program is intended to create a network of EV fast chargers across the country that provides reliable and consistent infrastructure to support long distance travel.
North Dakota has received approximately $25.9 million from the NEVI Formula Program through FY 2026 to build chargers no more than 50 miles apart and within one mile off exits along I-94 and I-29.
Additionally, North Dakota has received approximately $1.2 million from the Advanced Transportation and Congestion Management Technologies Deployment (ATCMTD) Program to build EV charging stations throughout the state.

North Dakota’s EV Vision
A reliable, safe, accessible, and resilient transportation system which interconnects to the nationwide EV network and improves the quality of life for North Dakota citizens and the traveling public, while promoting economic development.
- A complete build-out of existing alternative fuel corridors (AFC) by 2026
- Maximize available federal funds to create an interconnected fast-charging system that supports regional, national, and international travel.
- A comprehensive system that helps provide the traveling public with safe, convenient access to a variety of transportation and energy options.
- Establish, to the extent feasible, public-private partnerships (P3s) for the installation and operation of EV charging infrastructure.
NEVI Program Background
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL), passed in 2021, has dedicated funds available for the development of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure. As part of the BIL, the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program will distribute five billion dollars ($5B) over the next five years (FY 2022-2026) to state departments of transportation for the development of DC fast charging (DCFC) infrastructure. This infrastructure is intended to serve long-distance EV travel along alternative fuel corridors (AFCs).
To access NEVI funds, North Dakota was required to submit a plan by August 1, 2022 (and updated each year after), demonstrating how the network will meet requirements set by the U.S. Department of Energy and U.S. Department of Transportation’s Joint Office for EV Infrastructure Deployment. The Joint Office has indicated that by the end of the five-year program, all interstates should be fully built out, and the remainder of the funding can be dedicated to other priority corridors as identified by each state.
2025 North Dakota EV Plan FY 25 Approval Letter
Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO)
It is anticipated that two rounds of funding will be released. NDDOT has released the first Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) package on June 11, 2024, with proposals due August 9, 2024. Interested parties will be responsible for developing teams to construct, own, operate, and maintain the charging infrastructure.
Round One Results
- Dakota Magic Casino, Hankinson - $988,727.62
- Love’s Travel Stops and Country Stores, Inc., Drayton - $1,257,843.62
- Pilot Travel Centers, LLC, Beach - $979,243.00
- Francis Energy Charging, LLC, Belfield - $1,327,931.42
- Love’s Travel Stops and Country Stores, Inc., Sterling - $1,249,226.86
- Francis Energy Charging, LLC, Dawson - $1,352,583.70
NEVI Program Networking Opportunities
NDDOT will be seeking teams through a competitive process to host, build, own, operate, and maintain the infrastructure, with the station remaining privately owned after the five-year funding program expires. The program will pay up to 80% of the project costs, which may include operations and maintenance and the cost of electricity and demand charges.
NDDOT is facilitating the following networking opportunities to connect potential EV charging station hosts with equipment manufacturers, charging services, electrical contractors, utilities, and other service providers who may want to partner in developing an EV charging station.
Sign-up for the NEVI Database
View Database
This database will be updated regularly. Check back often for the latest information.
NEVI-Funded Charging Infrastructure Locations
Under federal law, it is not legal to sell power from highway right-of-way (including rest areas), making these areas unsuitable for charger locations. NDDOT is anticipating that infrastructure will be built on private sites within one mile of the AFCs (I-29 and I-94), through strong partnerships with the private sector to host, operate, and maintain the charging locations.
NDDOT is anticipating that stations will be located within clusters (one station will be awarded per cluster), defined as one or more exits along the state’s AFCs that fulfill the maximum 50-mile spacing requirement. This approach will balance the need for efficient spacing of charging infrastructure while increasing the number of sites that can participate. Proposals will be evaluated and scored against only those from within the same cluster.
Preparation for potential site hosts
Until the NOFO is released, property owners or potential site hosts can perform several tasks (at their own cost) to prepare for the application process. Please note any costs incurred before award are not eligible for reimbursement.
- Verify your property or potential host location are within a NDDOT site cluster and within a one-mile drive from the AFC, shown on GIS map above.
- Begin researching and communicating with DC Fast Charge equipment manufacturers.
- Begin familiarizing yourself with FHWA requirements and proposed rulemaking for DC Fast Charge stations.
General EV FAQs
Where does North Dakota stand when it comes to electric vehicle use?
NDDOT’s approach to EV use in our state is to:
- Comply with Federal programs when applicable
- Tap federal funding when available
- Save taxpayer dollars when possible
- Prepare for shifts in industry direction and consumer preferences
How many drivers in North Dakota use EVs?
As of March 2025, there are approximately 1,316 EVs and 946 plug-in hybrid electric vehicles registered in North Dakota.
Is it necessary that North Dakota participate in NEVI?
Participation in this plan is a federal requirement. NDDOT is responsible for the planning of infrastructure and distribution of funding within the state for the NEVI program. All 50 states and US territories have submitted plans and will receive funding for the program.
How much funding is North Dakota receiving under NEVI?
North Dakota is set to receive $25,952,484 over five funding years (FY2022-2026). The grant program will fund up to 80 percent of EV charging infrastructure with a minimum of a 20 percent non-federal match, which must be met with private dollars.
What is an Alternative Fuel Corridor (AFC)?
These are routes that are part of a national network of corridors that support alternative fueling infrastructure. This initiative was established in July 2016 when the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) called on states to nominate national plug-in EV charging, hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling corridors along major roadways as a part of the "Fixing America's Surface Transportation" (FAST) Act.
Where will the funds be spent?
FHWA requires that the NEVI Program funds are first spent to build DC fast charging stations on the federally designated Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). AFCs are a key part of federal efforts to create a nationwide transportation network supporting alternative fuel types, such as EV charging stations. In North Dakota, I-29 and I-94 are AFCs. Once this federal requirement has been met, NEVI Program funds can be spent along other highways or in other communities.
How do charging stations work?
There are three different types of charging stations – Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3. Level 1 charging uses a standard household outlet and provides the slowest charging speed, typically replenishing a battery at a rate of up to five miles of range per hour. Level 2 stations can provide about 20 miles of range per hour with the most common power level (7.2 kW). Level 3 chargers, known as direct current fast chargers or DCFCs, are the fastest level of charging available and provide roughly 430 miles per hour of charging. The NEVI Program will construct Level 3 DCFC charging stations.
What types of charging stations will be constructed with NEVI funding?
Charging stations meeting NEVI requirements must provide Level 3 charging capable of supporting four vehicles charging simultaneously with 150 kW of power.
Has the NDDOT talked to utility companies about available capacity on the electrical grid to support an expanded EV charging network?
NDDOT is actively engaging the ND Public Service Commission (PSC) and utility stakeholders as part of NEVI Program development. These stakeholders were instrumental in assuring North Dakota Legislators that the electrical grid could support the planned EV infrastructure today and the foreseeable future. Further details on utility engagement conducted as part of the NEVI Program can be found in Section 3 (Public Engagement) of the North Dakota Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Plan.
Where can I learn more about EVs?
There are a variety of electric vehicle options on the market today. Some EVs operate solely on batteries, while others are hybrid models with both an electric motor and an internal combustion engine. If you’d like to learn more about EVs, The U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) provides an overview on the different types of EVs and EV chargers.
FAQs for Applicants
Do EV charging sites have to be located along an interstate?
NDDOT and FHWA have designated I-29 and I-94 as the state’s Alternative Fuel Corridors (AFCs). The NEVI Program requires that fast charging stations be located within one drive-mile of an AFC. The initial focus of the NEVI Program is for the AFCs to meet the 50-mile maximum spacing of NEVI-compliant EV charging sites.
Can EV charging sites be closer than 50 miles apart?
Yes, per the NEVI Final Rule, EV charging sites must be located no more than 50 miles apart along AFCs, but may be located closer than 50 miles.
Who will own and operate the EV charging sites?
Private entities will own and operate the EV charging sites. Funding will be awarded to these site hosts who will construct, own and operate the EV charging stations.
Who will pay for maintenance and operation of the sites even if they are owned and operated by someone else?
The NEVI Program includes maintenance and operation funding for a period not to exceed five years.
Do Build America, Buy America (BABA) requirements apply to the NEVI Program?
Yes, BABA requirements apply to the obligation of NEVI Formula Program funds. On February 21, 2023, the Federal Highway Administration published a Federal Register notice that released the Build America, Buy America implementation plan for EV charging equipment involving Title 23 funds, providing a transition period for companies to onshore their supply chains. The plan was effective starting on March 23, 2023.
Can NEVI funds be used for transformers and other on-site electrical equipment that is necessary to provide power?
Yes, costs to acquire and install on-site electric service equipment are eligible.
When will the Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) be released?
Program guidance is currently being developed. The NOFO and application will be released in mid-2024.
How will the applications be scored?
The scoring criteria is still under development. The applications will be scored based on the ability to meet NEVI requirements (within one mile from an AFC, a minimum of four 150 kW chargers, 97% charger uptime, and provision of at least 20% non-federal match), additional proposed site amenities, and a cost proposal.
Can I still apply for NEVI funding if I don’t have the skills needed to build an EV charging site?
Yes, the program is currently developing an online NEVI Database to facilitate teaming between site host, utility, equipment vendors, or EVSE manufacturers. There is no restriction on teaming. Applicants can create project teams that provide the necessary resources, services, and certifications to address all requirements included in the NOFO.
How can I identify potential partners for this process?
If you are a potential EV charging site host, equipment manufacturer, charging services provider, electrical contractor, utility, or provider of other services and would like to be included in the NEVI database please complete this registration.
How can I be notified that the application is live?
Please sign up to receive email updates about the North Dakota NEVI Program at
When will awardees for the first round of funding be selected?
We anticipate announcing the first round of awardees in late 2024.
Are tribal entities eligible applicants?
Yes, tribal entities are eligible to be primary applicants or part of an application team.
Does the USDOT Waiver of Buy America Requirements for De Minimis Costs and Small Grants apply to this NOFO?
It depends. If the total amount of Federal financial assistance applied to the project (Maximum Total Project Reimbursement in the Cost Proposal) is less than $500,000 then the waiver applies.
If the USDOT Waiver of Buy America Requirements for De Minimis Costs and Small Grants applies, what does it cover?
If the project falls under the waiver because the total amount of Federal financial assistance applied to the project is below $500,000, then the waiver would only apply to transformers, iron, steel, manufactured products, and construction materials used in the project. EV chargers remain subject to the EV Chargers waiver. Meaning, EV chargers still have to be Build America, Buy America (BABA) compliant, but other iron, steel, manufactured products and construction materials are not required to be BABA complaint.