What is the Freight and Rail Plan?
The State Freight and Rail Plan assesses all freight modes, identify needs and issues, provide recommendations for policies, programs, processes, and identify potential projects that improve efficiency, reliability and safety.
The plan relies on private sector shippers and carriers, state and local agencies and public input to direct future freight and rail transportation in the state.

About Freight Mobility
As an important national crossroads and gateway for the United States, North Dakota is a key node for supporting international and domestic goods movement to markets throughout the nation and the world.
Freight modes, including trucking, rail, pipeline, and air cargo are needed to transport goods and commodities to support regional, national, and global supply chains for many industries. Supply chain fulfillment is the key to economic vitality of our state.
Click through the images to the right to understand the factors driving future trends and affecting freight demand.
Plan Goals
The five goals of the State Freight and Rail Plan align with Transportation Connection, North Dakota’s Long-Range Transportation Plan.
Keeping you safe
Safety is reflected in everything we do.
We are continually innovating and improving what we do to make sure you are safe and secure whether driving, biking, or walking.
- Implement data-driven and proven safety improvements for all users
- Provide comprehensive safety education and information with transportation partners
- Encourage adoption and implementation of safety technologies
- Deploy infrastructure technology with proven safety benefits
- Anticipate future risks and security threats
- Support effective emergency response and disaster mitigation efforts
Caring for what we have
Fixing what we have is our priority.
We are maintaining our existing infrastructure to save money down the road and addressing risks to keep that system working for you.
- Preserve the condition of all transportation infrastructure to serve critical functions
- Focus on routine and preventative maintenance activities aligned with customer expectations
- Reduce risk to transportation infrastructure from extreme weather events
- Enhance maintenance activities that support future technology deployment
Connecting North Dakota
Transportation matters.
We are leveraging transportation investments to enhance economic competitiveness and improve the quality of life in communities across the state.
- Connect people, businesses, and communities across the state and to the world
- Improve and expand interregional and interstate trade and commerce transport
- Enhance North Dakota’s natural resources and expand recreational
- Consider potential of infrastructure assets for future travel alternatives and technology deployment
Helping you get there
Transportation should be easy.
We are leveraging transportation investments to enhance economic competitiveness and improve the quality of life in communities across the state.
- Provide travel reliability and performance on state roads
- Improve seasonal maintenance and response times
- Provide easier transportation options and access for all travelers
- Improve access to and ease of traveler services
- Expand availability of travel and transportation information and resources
- Collaborate with transportation planning partners at the tribal, federal, state, regional and local levels
Investing for the future
We work for you.
We are making smart investments in how we deliver services and are looking for responsible ways to fund our transportation system well into the future.
- Invest in future transportation workforce, data, and technology
- Focus on customers by modernizing services, travel information, and business functions
- Make strategic operational and infrastructure investments to increase efficiency, capacity, and performance
- Ensure sustainable and responsible funding for future transportation improvements that maximize return on investment
- Evaluate collaborative grant and partnership opportunities to advance community and economic transportation improvements
- Align investment strategies to deliver on customer expectations