About The Project

In 2017, the Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO completed an I-29 Interstate Operations Study to identify current and future traffic operations and evaluate potential solutions for addressing traffic needs. One of the primary areas of concern identified during this study was at the 32nd Avenue interchange and along the 32nd Avenue corridor extending to the east. The study looked at numerous alternatives and configurations for improving roadway operations at the 32nd Avenue interchange, but ultimately concluded that construction of a new interchange in south Grand Forks would be the most cost-effective solution for fixing long-term congestion on 32nd Avenue and addressing future traffic needs as Grand Forks continues to expand to the south.

The current Grand Forks – New Southside Interchange project is intending to study potential alternatives, including location and configuration, for a potential new interchange in south Grand Forks between 32nd Avenue and 62nd Avenue. This project is anticipated to conclude with the selection of a preferred alternative and issuance of environmental and interchange approval from the Federal Highway Administration.

Project Goals

  • Estimated Project Cost:
  • Estimated Completion:

Areas/Traffic Impacted

32nd Avenue 62nd Avenue South Grand Forks


Mike Huffington
Ulteig Engineers, Inc.
Alternative Contact
Michael Johnson
NDDOT Project Manager