Contractors must use preapproved water-based marking paint from the list below. AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions information below must be submitted by the pavement marking paint manufacturer for material lots to be included on the preapproval list.
Failure to fully supply the information or failure of a material sample will result in rejection of the material.
AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions Testing
Submit paint to the AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions (formally NTPEP) to be enrolled in lab testing and field evaluations. Include a reference to the specific AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions Test Deck to which the paint formulation was applied, including AASHTO Product Evaluation & Audit Solutions identification numbers and report numbers.

Provide test results from laboratory testing and field evaluation from a Northern NTPEP test deck from within the previous 6 years.
Glass Beads
On December 8, 2023, the North Dakota Department of Transportation reclassified glass beads as a Construction Material, which must be compliant with the requirements of Build America, Buy America (BABA).
Laboratory Testing and Sample Submission
The marking manufacturer must perform testing on each lot of material intended for a NDDOT project. Submit test results for each lot of material that show compliance with the marking material specification (Section 880, “Pavement Markings” of the NDDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction). Obtain two, 1-pint samples of paint from each lot and use epoxy lined cans for sampling and shipping. Obtain the samples in the presence of the NDDOT’s Engineering representative. Submit the samples to the NDDOT Materials and Research Division at least 30 days prior to the scheduled use of the material.