How to Submit an Idea
Please upload your idea using the TRIP Program idea submission form. Submission deadline is December 31. Early submissions are encouraged and appreciated. We are only accepting applications that are Transportation Readiness Level (TRL) of 6 or greater (6-9).
Idea submittals must include:
- One-page Idea Executive Summary*
- Problem Statement and Proposed Innovation*
- The Transportation Readiness Level (TRL) of your project (please explain)*
- Implementation Approach and Estimated Completion Date*
- Contact person for additional information, including daytime phone, email and address*
- Estimated cost to implement or amount of funding requested (if known)
- Appendix of Supporting Materials (optional)
* Required information
The entire submittal, including appendices but excluding front and back covers if included, should not exceed 15 pages. Photos or illustrations are encouraged to enhance the review team’s ability to evaluate the merits of the idea.
More Information
Next Steps
The TRIP Review Team will review all submittals. The Review Team may request that a submitter provide a presentation to the TRIP Review Team. Presentations will allow the Review Team to ask questions of the submitter to clarify any details before the Team makes its recommendation.
The TRIP Coordinator will contact submitters after the NDDOT Executive Team have made final decisions on implementation of submitted concepts. Before making its final determination, the Executive Team may ask for additional information from the Review Team or the idea submitter.
All transportation based contractors, consultants, suppliers, colleges and universities, associations, tribes, local jurisdictions and NDDOT staff are eligible to submit an innovation idea.
- Ideas should address a specific transportation issue, component, process or service. This program may not result in funding projects that are already in a jurisdiction’s CIP (Capital Improvement Plan) or the STIP (State Transportation Improvement Plan). However, innovation ideas that could be implemented and funded as part of an add-on to existing CIP or STIP projects are eligible.
- The selection committee may reject ideas that do not satisfy the eligibility, guidelines and selection criteria.
Selection Criteria
Idea submittals will be evaluated based upon the previously mentioned guidelines and the following criteria:
- Innovative: Does the submittal clearly address the benefits of the proposed idea? For example; does the idea provide time or cost savings, durability improvement (longer life) or improved safety or service?
- Readiness Level: Is it in development or implementation stage?
- Implementable: Is the idea realistic, thoughtful, data-driven and in accordance with state laws? For example; design build statutory constraints or legislative limits for IT projects.
- Additional considerations:
- Does the idea include any matching funds or supplying of materials, machinery or labor?
- What is the potential for economic benefit? Note that TRIP is anticipated to be an ongoing program. Unsuccessful submittals may be reconsidered in future rounds of the solicitation and review process.
All persons submitting an idea will be notified of the final decision of the NDDOT Executive Team, whether it is determined to implement their concept or not. The NDDOT reserves the right to use any innovation ideas submitted as NDDOT sees fit, such as incorporating innovation ideas into existing or future projects, programs or processes; rather than funding a stand-alone innovation idea. Submitters whose ideas are considered for further advancement may receive a request to provide a presentation in front of the Review Team. The Review Team will evaluate all ideas and presentations, and provide recommendations for selection to the NDDOT Executive office. The NDDOT Executive Office will make all final decisions.
Ultimately, NDDOT will coordinate the implementation of selected ideas through a separate innovation implementation team. Implementation or further research of an idea may be completed by the NDDOT in-house, or completed through the use of teams outside the NDDOT. Any outside teams may be selected through a later Request for Proposal (RFP) process specific to an idea or group of related ideas. The selection committee or another designated NDDOT entity may disburse payments based on the submitted budget as allowable by State and Federal law. The NDDOT retains the right to examine use of funds and expenses related to any idea at any time.
Selection and implementation of ideas by NDDOT are constrained by existing State and Federal procurement policies and statutes. The TRIP Program cannot result in changes to legislative or executive budget authority.
The NDDOT TRIP Team reserves the right to change the Call for Ideas and selection process for future solicitations.
Contact Us
Any questions regarding this call for ideas should be submitted through the TRIP Program contact form.