Flex Fund Overview
The Flexible Transportation Fund (Flex Fund) was established by the 68th Legislative Assembly to complement the Federal Aid Highway program and further support an interconnected transportation system in our great state. The funds will be used to improve the transportation infrastructure on and off the state highway system, and to match local funds and federal discretionary grant funds that may become available.
The Flex Fund is comprised of two programs:
- 25% Set-Aside – open to non-oil producing counties and townships.
- Partner Allocation – open to any city, county, township, or Tribal Nation in North Dakota.
- Application Form (Deadline: Dec. 31, 2023)
- Program Guidance
- Application Instructions
- Oil Producing Counties Map
Flexible Transportation Fund Awarded Projects
Flex Fund Map Instructions
Flex Fund Legislative Report | May 2024
Flex Fund Results Informational Meeting

Who can I contact for questions?
For questions, email flexfund@nd.gov.
Who can apply for the 25% set aside?
- Non-oil producing counties.
- Unorganized townships in non-oil producing counties.
- Organized township that levies 18 mills in their general-purpose fund by January 1, 2024, in non-oil producing counties.
- All townships must work with their respective county to submit the application.
Who can apply for the Partner Allocation?
Any city, county, township, or Tribal Nation in North Dakota.
What type of projects are eligible?
Any project that improves or maintains a paved or unpaved roadway or public bridge.
Is this a new funding program?
Yes. The Flex Fund was established by the 68th Legislative Assembly to provide state funds to improve and maintain our interconnected state and local transportation system.
Can we apply for more than one project in the County?
Yes, there is no limit on the number of applications.
If a project that we submit for a grant is approved, will the applicant receive all the money up front to complete the project? Or, will we receive a percentage of the total grant?
No, this program is a reimbursement program. Each approved project will have a funding agreement that details the total funds available and funding split if applicable. As the work is done, an applicant will submit a request for reimbursement to the NDDOT with appropriate invoices, progress estimates, etc. for payment.
What happens if we are approved for a certain dollar amount, but the cost ends up being less? Do we need to return the grant overpayment amount with interest?
Funds will not be paid for upfront; this is a reimbursement type program. Payment will be made only after work has progressed or has been completed.
What if the project estimate is low and the project ends up costing more than what we applied for in the grant?
Payments will be up to the amount agreed upon in the signed agreement. The applicant will be responsible for any costs above the awarded amount.
How long will we have to complete a road project? What happens if the road work can't be completed within one year? Two years?
The intent is to have all projects completed within one or two years. Occasionally, there are circumstances that can delay projects, if this should happen, we will review that project and make a determination how we move forward.
Can we submit a bridge or culvert replacement project? If we do, do we have to use end sections and is an engineering review required to replace the pipes?
Yes, a culvert replacement project would be an acceptable application. All culverts being replaced need to follow North Dakota Administrative Code 89-14-01, which requires them to be sized accordingly by an engineer.
Is there a minimum or maximum funding amount per application?
No. But the Selection Committee, or NDDOT Director, may limit the funding on a project.
Do we need an engineering and/or environmental study?
Depending on the scope of work, environmental and engineering professionals will need to be involved to ensure all permits and state or federal requirements are followed. Engineering costs and environmental studies are eligible costs for reimbursement.
Who can help with a project estimate?
Our state has many qualified engineering consultant firms that have the experience to help prepare any estimate. NDDOT has staff that can also help with estimates. Please email flexfund@nd.gov, and we will determine if we can help.
Once a grant application is approved, how long will it take to receive funds to begin work on a project?
Once a project is approved, NDDOT and the applicant will enter into an agreement for the project. The funds will be reimbursed after work has been completed and the proper documents have been submitted to NDDOT for reimbursement.
How will applications be scored?
The Flex Fund committee will score each application on how the application meets the following goals:
- How does the project support Complete Streets?
- How does the project improve the Multi-modal Transportation Infrastructure?
- Does the project remove a roadway restriction (height or weight limitation)?
- How does the project support Economic Development?
- Is the project Innovative?
- How does the project improve the Safety of our roadway network?
- What is the Financial Commitment of the applicant (including public private partnerships)?
- In addition, preference will be given to projects on local corridors.
What phases of work are eligible for funding?
- The following items are eligible if a project is selected:
- Preliminary Engineering
- Right of Way acquisition
- Utility Relocation
- Construction
- Construction Engineering
- Any work done prior to the project being awarded and agreement signed is not eligible for reimbursement.
What is a Local Corridor?
Local corridors are defined as a road that connects to a County Major Collector (CMC), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), or State Road on both ends.
How much funding is available?
For the 25% set aside, there is approximately $42.0M available.