Transportation Alternatives (TA) provides funding for programs and projects defined as transportation alternatives. These include pedestrian and bicycle facilities, Safe Routes to School projects, safe routes for non-drivers, community improvement activities and environmental mitigation projects.
Eligible Project Applicants
- City and county governments
- Transit agencies
- Natural resource or public land agencies
- School districts, local education agencies, or schools
- Tribal governments
- Any other local or regional governmental entity with responsibility for or oversight of transportation or recreational trails
TA Funding
The amount of funding a project receives will be determined from the cost estimate included with the project application. Only the contract construction cost of your project is eligible for funding. These costs will be funded with federal aid to a maximum of 80.93%. The project sponsor must provide the match of 19.07%.

Items not eligible for funding are preliminary and construction engineering, environmental impact mitigation, right-of-way acquisition, utilities, and construction items determined to be not eligible for federal aid. These costs are a 100% sponsor responsibility.
The maximum award for urban ($290,000) and rural ($200,000) projects has been removed; the amount is no longer capped.
Recipient Responsibilities
Environmental Clearances
If your project is selected, you will be responsible for obtaining the necessary environmental clearances. This involves the preparation of an Environmental Document, which includes--but is not limited to--a thorough discussion of the need for the project, what the project entails, geometric design description, environmental impacts, and coordination with local, state and federal agencies.
Plan Preparation
You are responsible for preparing the project plans and specifications. When your plans and specifications are complete, NDDOT will request the Federal Highway Administration to authorize spending the TA funds.
Treatment of Projects
Projects must be ready for construction during the 2027 construction season. Therefore, final plans, permits, certifications, etc., need to be completed and submitted by January 1, 2027, and will be scheduled to be bid in the spring of 2027. Federal funds may be lost if the project cannot be bid in the spring of 2027.
Special Provisions
Facilities must be designed to reasonably meet the needs of persons with disabilities. In so doing, the participant must comply with all applicable provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Additional Information is available at the U.S. Department of Justice.
Title 23
All infrastructure projects need to comply with applicable provisions in Title 23, such as project agreements, authorization to proceed prior to incurring costs, etc. In addition, infrastructure projects must comply with Davis-Bacon prevailing wage rates, competitive bidding and other contracting requirements, even for projects not located within the right-of-way of a federal-aid highway.
As part of the Title 23 requirements, all projects must also comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) regulations. Most infrastructure projects will likely fall under the categorical exclusions provisions of Title 23 Code of Federal Regulations Section 771.117 that recognize construction of bicycle and pedestrian lanes, paths and facilities as not involving significant environmental impacts.
All projects funded within a metropolitan planning organization (MPO) must be programmed in a metropolitan planning organization's Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) and the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP).
Note: Applicants are responsible for any and all local permits relevant to their project. Please work with your appropriate partners to determine necessary permits.
How to Apply
Deadline for Transportation Alternatives Program Applications: December 31, 2024
Read the 2027 TA Program Letter.
Please contact Local Government by one of the methods listed below.
Phone: 701-328-4787
TTY: 1-800-366-6888
Contact: Transportation Alternatives Manager
Non-Profit Organizations
Non-profit organizations must partner with an eligible project applicant. Project applications must be submitted to NDDOT through one of the following entities:
- All cities
- Board of County Commissioners
- Tribal government
- Transit agencies
- MPO that serves an urban area with a population of 200,000 or fewer
- Federal and state agencies
All other eligible applicants, including school districts and park districts, need to partner with their respective city. All projects within the jurisdiction of a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) need to be submitted to the MPO by their respective deadline for MPO approval and submittal to NDDOT.
MPO Coordination
Projects in MPO jurisdictions must be submitted to the local MPO, with the MPO making submittal to NDDOT. Submittal dates are as follows:
Bismarck – Mandan MPO | October 15, 2024 |
Grand Forks – East Grand Forks MPO | November 21, 2024 |
Minot Central Dakota MPO | November 25, 2024 |
Fargo Metro COG (Outside of TMA) | November 15, 2024 |
If you are unsure if your project is within the MPO jurisdiction, contact the MPO office in your area. MPO contact information is as follows:
Central Dakota MPO
10 3rd Ave SW
Minot, ND 58701
Phone: 701-420-4524
Bismarck-Mandan MPO
221 North 5th Street
Bismarck, ND 58506
Phone: 701-355-1848
Grand Forks-East Grand Forks MPO
P.O. Box 5200
Grand Forks, ND 58206-5200
Phone: 701-746-2657
TMA - Fargo, West Fargo and Horace
Transportation Alternative projects within the designated urbanized area of Fargo, West Fargo and Horace are considered TMA projects and must be coordinated with the Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG). The TA solicitation for the Fargo-area TMA is conducted by Metro COG. For any other project outside of the TMA area but within the Metro COG planning area must be submitted to Metro COG and will be considered a Rural project. Rural projects within the Metro COG planning area must be coordinated and submitted to Metro COG, with Metro COG making the submittal to NDDOT. Metro COG submittal date for rural applications is November 15, 2024.
For more information about this solicitation, or if you are unsure if your project is within Metro COG's planning area, please contact Metro COG using the following contact information:
Fargo-Moorhead Metropolitan Council of Governments (Metro COG)
1 - 2nd Street North
Case Plaza, Suite 232
Fargo, ND 58102-4807
Phone: 701-532-5100
Project Selection
TA Project Selection Criteria
To be eligible for the TA program, the proposed project must relate to surface transportation. For clarification on the eligibility of your project, contact:
Local Government Division
Phone: 701-328-4787
TTY: 1-800-366-6888
Email: Transportation Alternatives Manager
- Does the project benefit the community, region and/or state?
- Does the project add benefit to the existing transportation system?
- Does the project provide a high impact or benefit when compared to other projects?
- Is the proposed project the appropriate solution for the identified problem, need or opportunity?
- Has the applicant demonstrated support of other local governmental agencies, nonprofit organizations and/or the general public?
- Urgency: Is the project part of another project?
- Is the project part of an identified plan?
- Does the project benefit a large segment of the population or a "transportation-disadvantaged" segment, such as children, elderly, low income or disabled?
- Does the project have the potential to reduce child injuries and fatalities; addresses safety concerns?
- Does the project have the potential to create a safer walking and bicycling environment?
- Does the project encourage walking and bicycling for non-drivers, including children, older adults and individuals with disabilities?
- Does it reduces traffic, fuel consumption and air pollution in the vicinity of schools?
- Does the project identify current and potential safe walking and bicycling routes to schools?
TA Project Selection Committee
The director of the NDDOT has established the TA Project Selection Committee for selecting TA projects. TA funds will be awarded through a statewide competitive process that is reviewed by the TA Project Selection Committee.
This seven-member group consists of representatives from:
- North Dakota League of Cities
- North Dakota Association of Counties
- North Dakota Parks & Recreation
- North Dakota Department of Commerce
- North Dakota Indian Affairs Commission
- North Dakota Department of Public Instruction
- North Dakota Department of Transportation
Eligible Project Types
Bicycle and Pedestrian Projects
- The construction of on-street and off-street bicycle and pedestrian facilities
- The construction of Safe Routes to School projects
- The construction of projects for non-drivers, including children, older adults and individuals with disabilities
- Conversion and use of abandoned railroad corridors for trails for pedestrians, bicyclists or other non-motorized transportation users
- Traffic calming and speed reduction improvements
- Pedestrian and bicycle crossing improvements
- Secure bicycle parking facilities
- Traffic diversion improvements in the vicinity of schools
Scenic and Environmental Projects
- Turnouts, overlooks and viewing areas
- Vegetation management practices in transportation rights-of-way
- Archaeological activities relating to impacts from implementation of a transportation project
- Streetscape improvements and corridor landscaping
- Establishing living snow fences
- Control and removal of outdoor advertising
- Environmental mitigation to address water pollution due to highway runoff and reduce vehicle-caused wildlife mortality while maintaining habitat connectivity
Historic Projects
- Historic preservation and rehabilitation of operating historic transportation facilities
Prior Year Projects
- Billings County – East River Road Shared Use Path
- Gwinner – Southside Safe Route to School Sidewalk
- Mandan – 8th Ave NW - Mandan High School Pedestrian Trail
- Milnor – Main Street to Northview -SRTS
- Minot – Lewis and Clark and Bel Air Elementary SRTS
- Regent – ADA Sidewalk Improvements
- Valley City – Wintershow Road Shared Use Path - Phase 2
- Williston – 14th Ave West Pedestrian Improvements
- Cass County – CR 81/South University Dr Shared Use Path
- Fargo – Water Reclamation Shared Use Path
- Barnes Co - Barnes County Multi-Use Path
- Beulah - Beulah Multi-Use Wellness Trail
- Bottineau Co - Lake Metigoshe Shared-Use Path - Hwy 43 Loop
- Burleigh Co - S Washington Trail Extension - Meridian Dr to Sibley Park
- Crosby - Crosby Multi-Use Path Expansion
- Ellendale - Ellendale Dakota Prairie Walking Trail
- Garrison - Garrison Wilderness Park
- Grand Forks - S 48th St (32nd Ave S to 17th Ave S)
- Grand Forks Co - Larimore Dam Recreational Area Shared-Use Path
- Gwinner - Gwinner North Hwy 32 Path
- Hope - Hope Sidewalk Project
- Jamestown - Pedestrian Bridge Replacement at McElroy, Nicheus and Klaus Parks
- Mandan - ND 6 Shared-Use Trail Phase 3
- Mandan - Old Red Trail Phase 1
- Minot - Edison Elementary School SRTS
- Minot - Washington Elementary SRTS
- Mohall - Mohall Central Ave Sidewalks and Lighting
- ND Parks & Recreation - Cross Ranch State Park - Ma-ak-oti Trail Bridge
- New Town - New Town Trail System - Phase 1
- Ray - Ray Sidewalk Improvements
- Rutland - Rutland 1st Street Sidewalk
- Spirit Lake - Spirit Lake Tribe Four Winds Walkway - Crow Hill Connection
- Standing Rock - Standing Rock Sioux Tribe ND 1806 Fort Yates Shared-Use Path
- Valley City - Wintershow Road Shared-Use Path - Phase 1
- Ward County - Minot to Burlington Multi-Use Path
- Williston - Valley View Pedestrian Improvements
- Belfield - 2023 - 2024 Safe Sidewalk & Shared-Use Path
- Bismarck - Expressway Pedestrian Facility
- Bismarck - Ash Coulee & Tyler Parkway Trail
- Bowman - 2023 - 2024 Safe Sidewalk Project Phase 2
- Fargo - Bison Village/10th St N Shared-Use Path
- Gwinner - Northwest Area Sidewalks
- Hillsboro - I29 Corridor Riverwalk Development
- Horace - County Road 17 Shared-Use Path Phase 3
- Horace - Center Ave Multi-Modal Improvements
- Milnor - Safe Walk to School Phase 2
- Minot - Bel Air Elementary School SRTS
- Minot - Washington Elementary School SRTS
- Wahpeton - 14th Street North Sidewalk
- West Fargo - Eaglewood - The Lights Bike Path
- Williston - 42nd Street Pedestrian Facilities
- Beach/Golden Valley Co 3rd Street SW Multi-Use Trail
- Bismarck Public Schools Safety Improvement
- Crosby/Divide Co Multi-Use Path
- Horace/Cass Co County Road 17 Shared-Use Path
- Mandan Old Red Trail Phase 2
- Milnor/Sargent Co Safe Walk to School
- Minot Edison Elementary School SRTS
- Watford City/McKenzie Co 2nd Avenue SW Multi-Use Path
- West Fargo Drain 45 Multi-Use Path Phase 2
- Williston River and Park Accessibility Trail Connections
- Sargent Central Project Bike Rack
- Grand Forks South Columbia Road Shared-Use Path
- Hettinger 2020 SRTS Project
- Jamestown SRTS Project
- Minto School Route
- Richardton Sidewalk Improvements Phase 1
- Standing Rock Porcupine Pathway Project
- West Fargo Drain 45 Multi-Use Path Phase 1
- Bottineau County Lake Metigoshe Narrows Viewing Area
- Bowman 2021-2022 Safe Sidewalk
- Grand Forks University Ave Shared-Use Path
- Grenora Public School Sidewalk Project
- Killdeer Sidewalk Improvement Project
- Lincoln SRTS Improvements
- Mandan 19th St SE Trail
- Wahpeton SRTS Project
- Bismarck Sunrise Trail
- Grand Forks 17th Ave S Shared-Use Path
- Grenora School Sidewalk
- Mandan Fort Lincoln 19th St SE Trail
- Minot Washington School Sidewalk
- Pembina County Cavlandic Trail
- Surrey West Sidewalk
- Tioga Signal Road Sidewalk
- Wahpeton Wheatland Road Shared-Use Path
- Walhalla School Sidewalk
- Bismarck South Washington Street Trail
- Fargo 5th St Shared-Use Path
- Grand Forks 6th Ave N Shared-Use Path
- Jamestown Safe Routes to Schools
- Medora Shared-Use Path
- Minto School Route
- Park River Safe Routes to School
- Richardton Sidewalk Expansion
- Tioga Signal Road Sidewalk
- Beulah Multi-Use Wellness Trail
- Bismarck Sertoma Park Shared-Use Path
- Dickinson 21st St to 10th Ave Shared-Use Path
- Fargo Oak Grove/Memorial Parks Pedestrian Lift Bridge
- Grafton Safe Routes to School
- Grand Forks N 55th St Shared-Use Path
- Powers Lake Powers Lake Safe Routes to School Path
- Bottineau Co Lake Metigoshe Shared-Use Path
- Garrison Wilderness Park Improvement
- Grand Forks Demers Ave Shared-Use Path
- Mandan Millennium Trail
- Northwood Public School Safer Paths to Schools
- Wahpeton 16th Avenue Shared-Use Path