BISMARCK, N.D. – A public input meeting will be held March 20 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Minto Community Center at 114 Harvey Ave. in Minto.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss proposed improvements and detour routes for the Lake Ardoch and Minto interchange bridges located along Interstate 29 (Exit 164 and Exit 168).
The project consists of removing and replacing the existing bridge decks, slope protection repairs, installing new guardrail and culvert improvements.
The meeting will utilize an open house format with North Dakota Department of Transportation (NDDOT) representatives on hand to discuss the project.
Information handouts and exhibits will be provided that explain the project details. Presentation exhibits and other materials are available on the NDDOT website at, click Public Meetings under Quick Links.
If unable to attend the public input meeting, written statements or comments must be postmarked or emailed by April 4th, 2023, to Travis Brossart, Bridge Division, 608 E. Blvd. Ave. Bismarck, ND 58504. Email with “Public Input Meeting-PCN 23636” in the e-mail subject heading. Contact Travis Brossart at (701)328-2529 for additional questions.
The NDDOT will consider every request for reasonable accommodation to provide:
- an accessible meeting facility or other accommodation for people with disabilities,
- language interpretation for people with limited English proficiency (LEP), and
- translations of written material necessary to access NDDOT programs and information.
To request accommodations, contact Heather Christianson, Civil Rights Division, NDDOT, at 701-328-2978 or TTY users may use Relay North Dakota at 711 or 1-800-366-6888.