
Under federal law, it is not legal to sell power from highway right-of-way (including rest areas), making these areas unsuitable for charger locations. NDDOT is anticipating that infrastructure will be built on private sites within one mile of the AFCs (I-29 and I-94), through strong partnerships with the private sector to host, operate, and maintain the charging locations.

NDDOT is anticipating that stations will be located within clusters (one station will be awarded per cluster), defined as one or more exits along the state’s AFCs that fulfill the maximum 50-mile spacing requirement. This approach will balance the need for efficient spacing of charging infrastructure while increasing the number of sites that can participate. Proposals will be evaluated and scored against only those from within the same cluster.


Preparation for potential site hosts

Until the NOFO is released, property owners or potential site hosts can perform several tasks (at their own cost) to prepare for the application process. Please note any costs incurred before award are not eligible for reimbursement.