Access to Motor Carrier Services
In person services are provided by appointment only. Call 701-328-1287 to schedule an appointment. IRP/IFTA online access link.
Form 2290
Schedule 1 - Heavy Vehicle Use Tax
- 2290 IRS Filing Requirements
- To schedule an appointment, please call 1-844-545-5640
- IRS Trucking Tax Center
US DOT Number
- Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration
- Office 701-250-4346
- Electronic Logging Device (ELD)
- Informational worksheet
Highway Patrol
- Purchase Truck Permits
- Contact Information: 701-328-2621
- North Dakota Highway Patrol
- ND Highway Patrol Motor Carrier Operations
- Contact Information: 701-328-5128
Contact Information
Motor Vehicle Division
Prorate Section
608 E Blvd Ave Ste 103
Bismarck ND 58505-0791
Phone: 701-328-1287
Fax: 701-328-3500
Motor Carrier FAQ Section
General Questions
Where can I get a Trucker's Handbook?
You may view it here: Trucker's Handbook, or call 701-328-2621.
Who can I contact regarding hours of service questions?
See the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) or call 701-250-4346.
Can I be audited?
Yes. IFTA and IRP requires 3% of all carriers enrolled in IFTA and/or IRP be audited each year.
What is the process followed in an IFTA/IRP Motor Carrier audit?
A letter from the North Dakota Department of Transportation is sent to a carrier that has been selected for audit.
The audit period is identified. A pre-audit questionnaire and a vehicle listing are included for the carrier to complete and return to the NDDOT Audit Division.
The auditor will contact the carrier to discuss the upcoming audit, request audit period records, and determine a due date for the carrier to have supporting fuel and mileage records sent in to the NDDOT for review. The carrier will have time to assemble the records and should send them by certified mail or similar means so they have a record of their mailing.
The auditor will perform testing to tie the documentation to the carrier’s reported IFTA jurisdictional miles and tax-paid fuel gallons. Variances will be discussed with the carrier. Adjustments will be made to the carrier’s reported fuel and miles based on the audited records, if required. Assessments or credits will be identified in the audit report that is issued to the carrier and all jurisdictions the carrier operated during the audit period.
The carrier has 30 days from the audit report cover letter date to pay the audit assessment, or to appeal the results of the audit. An appeal must be in writing addressed to the Motor Carrier Administrator in the Motor Vehicle Division, and should include the specific reason for the appeal.
What records will I have to provide when I am audited?
- Original over the road fuel receipts
- Monthly/quarterly summaries of tax-paid fuel gallons
- Driver’s Daily Logs, Trip reports, and IVDRs (Individual Vehicle Distance Records)
that identify trips driven and odometer readings that support reported miles - Miles are to be based on beginning and ending odometer readings, and odometer readings at jurisdictional lines
- Monthly/quarterly summaries of total and jurisdictional miles
- Bulk fuel support (if applicable):
- Fuel vendor invoices for tax-paid bulk fuel for the entire audit period
- Bulk fuel inventory/dispersal logs noting all units using bulk fuel for the audit period
How long am I required to keep my records?
Four years plus the current year.
Can I be fined or assessed additional fees if I do not maintain or provide adequate records for audit?
Yes. All records pertaining to IFTA must be kept for four years, including unused decals. IRP distance records must be retained to support the reported distance for the current registration year and three previous registration years.
How much could I be assessed for not maintaining and/or providing adequate records for audit?
IRP states that failure to make records available or provide adequate records for audit may result in an assessment based on estimation in the amount of 20% of the apportionable fees paid by the registrant for the registration of its fleet in the registration year to which the records pertain including apportionable fees based on estimated distance for the first offense. In an instance where the registrant has a second such offense, the assessment will be 50%. In an instance where the registrant has a third offense, the assessment will be 100%.
IFTA states that failure to maintain complete records could result in disallowing all tax-paid fuel credit and reducing the MPG to 4.00
Branch Office Processes for IRP/IFTA
What is the address for the Motor Carrier office in Bismarck and what are the hours?
Motor Vehicle Division – Motor Carrier Section
ND Department of Transportation
608 E Boulevard Ave, Suite 103
Bismarck, ND 58505-0791
Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CT by appointment only.
Important: If coming to open a new IRP account, you need to call first to have the new account packet emailed to you to complete and then you may make an appointment by calling (701)328-1287.
What Motor Vehicle contracted branch offices process IRP, and IFTA?
Important: Cannot open an IRP account or process renewals at any of branch offices
Dickinson – T-Rex Plaza
1173 3RD Ave W Ste 37
Dickinson, ND 58601
Fargo – Westfield Business Park
855 45th Street South
Fargo, ND 58103
Grand Forks – Grand Cities Mall
1726 South Washington Street, Ste 55
Grand Forks, ND 58201
Minot – Arrowhead Shopping Center
1600 2ND Ave SW, Ste 5
Minot, ND 58702
Motor Carrier services are available by appointment only. Contact the Contracted Motor Vehicle Branch Office for appointment scheduling options.
What forms of payments does the Bismarck Office accept?
Payments are accepted using cash, check, or the following credit cards: Visa, MasterCard, or Discover.
ND Motor Carrier Association
Where can I get an annual inspection done?
Contact businesses that do work on commercial motor vehicles.
Where can I obtain annual inspection forms or log books?
North Dakota Motor Carrier Association or call 701-223-2700. Log books can also be purchased at truck stops.
Permits (ND Highway Patrol)
If I’m crossing state lines and don’t want to prorate, what are my options?
You can obtain a Trip/ Fuel Permit from the state you are entering into. Please contact Motor Carrier at 701-328-1287 for a list of permit offices.
Who can obtain an Unladen Permit?
Operators who require a temporary registration to move their apportionable unladen vehicle may obtain an Unladen Permit for a $30 fee. The permit is valid for up to 14 days. This can be requested by sending an email to motorcarrier@nd.gov and must include the following information:
- Effective Date
- Company Name and Address
- Phone Number
- EIN Number
- Type of Vehicle
- Vehicle Information (year, make, and VIN)
With which states does North Dakota have reciprocity?
North Dakota has entered into the agreements below with our bordering states. These agreements could be rescinded by either party with 30 days notice. Check with the jurisdiction you are travelling into to determine if any permits or other credentials are needed prior to entering the jurisdiction.
- South Dakota - North Dakota vehicles may be exempt from the IRP requirements while travelling into South Dakota no further than north of US Highway 12 on the east side of the Missouri River and north of SD Highway 20 on the west side of the Missouri River. The purpose of this reciprocity agreement is to promote the north-south movement of vehicles only. A vehicle shall enter either state and proceed from the point nearest the destination and return in a like manner. This agreement does not permit you to traverse the length of a state within the free zone. This agreement does not exempt you from fuel permits or IFTA unless you are a farmer/rancher operating a farm vehicle hauling your own farm products, supplies, or equipment into the free zone.
- Minnesota - North Dakota vehicles may be exempt from the IRP and IFTA requirements while travelling within 20 miles of the Minnesota – North Dakota boundary line. North Dakota farm plated vehicles may be exempt when travelling into Minnesota west of a line drawn north to south from MN Highway 72 to US Highway 71 to Cass Lake, then south on MN Highway 371 to Little Falls, then south on US Highway 10 to St. Cloud, then south on MN Highway 15 to the Minnesota–Iowa border.
- Montana - North Dakota farm vehicles are exempt from IRP requirements, but not from fuel permits or IFTA.
Do I first need to transfer the title for the vehicle when changing ownership?
No, it is done the same time you open the IRP/IFTA account or add vehicle to existing account.
All original title documentation must be mailed to:
Motor Vehicle Division
Attn: Prorate
608 E Blvd Ave Ste 103
Bismarck ND 58505-0791
If I have a Manufacturers Certificate of Origin, what do I need to complete to get it titled and registered?
- If opening a new account, please contact Bismarck Motor Carrier at 701-328-1287 for the requirements. If adding vehicle to an existing account, please go visit the NDDOT Motor Carrier Online System. See also: Tutorial for Adding a Vehicle Online.
- Provide the properly assigned MCO. Complete the SFN 2872 Application for Certificate of Title Registration of a Vehicle. Complete the SFN 18609 Damage/Salvage Disclosure Statement.
- Seller and buyer must complete a Secure Odometer Disclosure if the gross vehicle weight rating is less than 16,000 pounds.
- Provide a copy of the Bill of Sale.
- Form 2290 required for vehicles with a registered weight of 55,000 pounds or more and if the date of registration is more than 59 days from date of purchase. You may upload your 2290 online at NDDOT Motor Carrier Online System.
- Proof of legal name.
- All original title documentation must be mailed to:
Motor Vehicle Division
Attn: Prorate
608 E Blvd Ave Ste 103
Bismarck ND 58505-0791
If I have a North Dakota title that is changing ownership, what do I need to complete to get it titled and registered?
- If opening a new account, please contact Bismarck Motor Carrier at 701-328-1287 for the requirements.
- If adding vehicle to an existing account, please go online NDDOT Motor Carrier Online System. See also: Tutorial for Adding a Vehicle Online.
- Provide the North Dakota title properly assigned and free of all prior liens. If vehicle is less than nine (9) years old, SFN 18609 Damage/Salvage Disclosure Statement must be completed by the seller.
- Seller and buyer must complete a Secure Odometer Disclosure if the gross vehicle weight rating is less than 16,000 pounds. Provide a copy of the Bill of Sale.
- Form 2290 required for vehicles with a registered weight of 55,000 pounds or more and if the date of registration is more than 59 days from date of purchase . You may upload your 2290 online at the NDDOT Motor Carrier Online System site.
- Proof of legal name.
- All original title documentation must be mailed to:
Motor Vehicle Division
Attn: Prorate
608 E Blvd Ave Ste 103
Bismarck ND 58505-0791
I have recently formed a partnership or corporation how do I transfer my titles into that company name?
- Title transfers must be completed within 180 days from the effective date formed or incorporated. Title transfers submitted after the 180 days would be taxable on the fair market value of the vehicle. Vehicles transferred back to previous owner are exempt from tax.
- SFN 2877 Part 1, Assignment and Warranty of Title must be signed and dated by owner(s) as shown on the front of the title. Legal name and address of new owner (partnership or corporation) must be typed or printed legibly. Odometer information required on all motor vehicles less than ten (10) years old, with buyer's signature, printed name, and date.
- SFN 2475 Part 3, Purchaser’s Certification and Application must be completed and signed by new owner with tax exemption and lienholder information, if applicable and date formed or incorporated.
- If vehicle is less than nine (9) years old SFN 18609 Damage/Salvage Disclosure Statement must be completed by the seller.
- Title transfer fee $5.
What vehicles are exempt from odometer disclosures?
- Vehicles 2010 and older
- Vehicles with a manufacturer’s gross vehicle weight rating over 16,000 pounds
- Snowmobiles
- All-terrain vehicles
- Vehicles that are not self-propelled
- Duplicate title only
What are the proofs of legal name requirements?
- Business name: Secretary of State filing, top section of the state or federal tax return, or appropriate page within a trust agreement
- Individual name: ND Driver's License or ID number, copy of out-of-state driver's license, or copy of military ID
If I have a North Dakota title that is NOT changing ownership, what do I need to complete?
If opening a new account, please contact Bismarck Motor Carrier at 701-328-1287 for the requirements. If adding a vehicle to an existing account, please go online to the NDDOT Motor Carrier Online System. See also: Tutorial for Adding a Vehicle Online.
Form 2290 required for vehicles with a registered weight of 55,000 pounds or more and if the date of registration is more than 59 days from date of purchase. You may upload your 2290 online on the NDDOT Motor Carrier Online System.
When is an odometer disclosure required?
An odometer disclosure is required on all passenger vehicles, pickup trucks, trucks with a Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of less than 16,000 pounds, motor homes, and motorcycles that are 2011 and newer.
Year | Year Model |
2020-2030 | 2011 & newer |
2031 | 2012 & newer |
2032 | 2013 & newer |
2033 | 2014 & newer |
2034 | 2015 & newer |
If I have an Out-of-State title, NOT changing ownership, what do I need to complete to get it title and registered?
Please contact Bismarck Motor Carrier at 701-328-1287 for the requirements.
Option 1: Transfer the out-of-state title to a North Dakota title
- Provide the properly assigned title free of all prior liens.
- Complete the SFN 2872 Application for Certificate of Title Registration of a Vehicle.
- Complete SFN 18609 Damage/Salvage Disclosure Statement if applicable.
- Proof of legal name.
- Form 2290 required for vehicles with a registered weight of 55,000 pounds or more and if the date of registration is more than 59 days from date of purchase.
Option 2: Keep the title as is and register only in North Dakota
- If adding a vehicle to an existing account, complete the SFN 2479 International Registration Plan Supplemental Application Schedule C and email along with a copy of the front and back of the title to motorcarrier@nd.gov Note: REG ONLY vehicles cannot be done online.
- Form 2290 required for vehicles with a registered weight of 55,000 pounds or more and if the date of registration is more than 59 days from date of purchase.
- Provide a copy of the title (front and back).
*NOTE: If titled in Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, Oregon, any foreign country, or sovereign nation, the title must be transferred to ND and excise tax will be due on the fair market value.
Do trailers get apportioned/prorate license plates?
Trailers aren’t required to be prorated. They are just required to have a current trailer registration.
Can you register your trailer for more than a year?
Yes, Motor Vehicle offers a permanent trailer plate. Complete the SFN 2872 Application for Certificate of Title Registration of a Vehicle. Only available for Farm or Semi –Trailers. Fees are non-transferable and non-refundable.