Types of Transportation (Mobility)

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Transit Ridership during the 12 months prior to the latest reporting quarter, millions of trips

Rail Freight

Miles of Short Line Railroad with lightweight rail

Bicycle and Pedestrian

Percent of State Highways with bike/pedestrian facilities in Communities

People & Freight on the Roads

Percent of State Highway Miles meeting expectations for carrying loads (height, weight, and width) and for congestion. For a map of freight constraints, click the dial

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Transit ridership during the 12 months prior to the latest reporting quarter. Numbers are in millions.

Rail Freight

Miles of short-line railroad with lightweight rail, such that speed or weight restrictions below expected values (as defined by the Federal Railroad Administration and the rail company) must be imposed.

Bicycle and Pedestrian

Percent of State highway miles with bike and/or pedestrian facilities in communities.

People & Freight on the Roads

Percent of highways meeting congestion expectations for carrying loads (height, width, and weight) and traffic volumes. These parameters are defined in the below table.

State Highway Type
Interstate Interregional 4-Lane Level 1 Freight Class Level 2 Freight Class Level 3 Freight Class
Bridge Height ≤ 16.0 ≤ 16.0 ≤ 16.0 ≤ 15.0 ≤ 15.0
Bridge Widen ≤ 32.0 ≤ 32.0 ≤ 28.0 ≤ 26.0 ≤ 24.0
Load Limit ≤= 8.0 ≤= 8.0 ≤= 8.0 ≤= 8.0 ≤ 7.0
Travel Way Width ≤ 32.0 ≤ 32.0 ≤ 28.0 ≤ 26.0 ≤ 24.0
Capacity (traffic volume)
See table footnote for variables
v > 21,100*Number of Lanes v > 20,800*Number of Lanes Rolling Terrain: AADT > 12,600
Level Terrain: AADT > 13,400
Rolling Terrain: AADT > 12,600
Level Terrain: AADT > 13,400
Rolling Terrain: AADT > 12,600
Level Terrain: AADT > 13,400


v = AADT/fHV (i.e. Volume/capacity ratio).

AADT = Annual Average Daily Traffic

fHV = 1/(1 + PHV*(EHV-1))

PHV = TAADT/AADT (i.e. fraction of the total traffic volume that is trucks)

TAADT = Annual Average Daily truck Traffic

EHV = Passenger car equivalent of a truck (by default this value is 2.0)

Color Definitions

  • Poor performance (i.e. not meeting target).
  • Good performance, but at risk of falling below target.
  • Good performance.
  • Information only; no target has been set.