Roads and Bridges

Preserving your past investments

Pavement Health

Percent of State-Owned Pavements in Good Condition, Based on Ride

Summer Road & Bridge Maintenance

Percent of Planned Summer Maintenance Activities Completed

State Bridge Health

Percent of State-Owned Bridges in Good Condition

For more bridge information, click the dial

County Bridge Health

Percent of County-Owned, City-Owned, or Township-Owned Bridges in Good Condition

For more bridge information, click the dial

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Pavement Health

Percentage of state-owned pavement miles in good condition based on pavement smoothness. Good condition is defined as any pavement with an International Roughness Index (IRI) less than 100 inches per mile, as measured by a pavement management van with a suite of laser and optical sensors.

Summer Road & Bridge Maintenance

Percentage of planned summer activities completed year to date.

State Bridge Health

Percent of State-owned bridges in good physical condition. A bridge (or 20-foot long or longer culvert) is in good condition if all its National Bridge Inventory (NBI) conditions (deck, superstructure, and substructure) are at a 7, 8, or 9.

Locally-Owned Bridge Health

Percent of county, city, township owned bridges in good physical condition. A bridge (or 20-foot long or longer culvert) is in good condition if all its National Bridge Inventory (NBI) conditions (deck, superstructure, and substructure) are at a 7, 8, or 9.

Color Definitions

  • Poor performance (i.e. not meeting target).
  • Good performance, but at risk of falling below target.
  • Good performance.
  • Information only; no target has been set or the target only applies to the end of the year.