Take training and learn the impacts construction work has on the environment and how it can be combated by erosion and sediment control. Also find valuable erosion and sediment control resources at the bottom of the page.
Erosion and Sediment Control Certification Training
While erosion is a natural process, it is accelerated by construction activities. Each year, many acres of land in North Dakota are exposed during the course of construction and land development activities. Without properly installed protective practices before, during, and after construction, the land is left open for erosion and sediment runoff. Preventing sediment-laden runoff not only protects our rivers, lakes and streams, but it also promotes clean water and environmental stewardship.
Course Description
The NDDOT Erosion and Sediment Control Construction course serves to educate and inform construction personnel on the regulations, specifications, erosion and sediment control measures, and SWPPP development that apply to and best serve construction personnel in effectively managing assigned construction projects. Topics include:
- Regulations & Special Provisions
- Temporary & Permanent Erosion & Sediment Control Measures
- Project Management
- Participants will receive a course binder with reference materials

Course Registration
Verify Certification
Target Audience
The primary audience for this course consists of public and private roadway construction management and inspection personnel, contractors responsible for installing erosion & sediment devices and developing/implementing SWPPPs, and local government personnel.
The NDDOT will be providing an Introduction to Erosion & Sediment Control Construction Certification Training across the state. The NDDOT Erosion and Sediment Control Construction course serves to educate and inform construction personnel on the regulations, specifications, erosion and sediment control measures, and SWPPP development that apply to and best serve construction personnel in effectively managing assigned construction projects. This four year certification will be required of all Project Engineers, Prime Contractor Erosion Control Supervisors, and Erosion Control Subcontractor Supervisors as of the 2018 Construction Season.
Special Note
Due to the North Dakota specific nature of this training, there will not be any reciprocity with any other state or national erosion control certification. To earn certification, participants MUST attend the whole class and pass a written examination at the end of the course. Any absence from the course will be grounds for denial of certification.
Contact Information
Phone: 701-328-3486
For questions, fill out the general contact form
Erosion and Sediment Control Resources
Stormwater Resources
The resources marked with an asterisk (*) are not included in your printed course materials.
Module 2: Regulations & Special Provisions
- Regulations & Special Provisions Presentation 2022-23
- *Memorandum of Agreement
- *NPDES General Permit (full permit)
- NDPDES General Permit
- *EPA Expedited Settlement Offer Worksheet
- NDDOT Special Provision, Temporary Erosion & Sediment Best Management Practices, SP 0003(14)
- SSP 1 Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control Measures
- NDDOT Special Provision, Temporary Water Diversions
Module 3: Temporary & Permanent Erosion & Sediment Control Measures
- Temporary & Permanent Erosion & Sediment Control Measures Presentation (2022-23)
- D255-01 Bridge Approach Slab Drainage Detail
- D255-02 Erosion and Siltation Control - Erosion Control Blanket Installation
- D256-01 Erosion and Siltation Controls
- D258-01 Standard Slope Protection Under Bridges
- D260-01 Erosion and Siltation Controls - Silt Fence
- D261-01 Erosion Control - Fiber Roll Placement Details
- D708-06 Erosion and Siltation Controls - Median or Ditch Inlet Protection
- 020GD_001_CULV_END_PROTECTION, Erosion Control at Culvert Flared End Sections
- 020GD_001_DCONSTACC, Stabilized Construction Access
- 020GD_001_DFLOATATION_SILT_CURTAIN, Temporary Erosion Control Flotation Silt Curtain
- 020GD_001_INLET_PROTECTION, Inlet Protection Device
- 020GD_001_Slope_Erosion_Contr_Blkt, Slope Erosion Control Blanket
- 020GD 001 Temporary Topsoil Berm and Weir Detail
Module 4: SWPPP
- Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Presentation 2022-23
- *SWPPP, SFN 19388
- *Site Inspection Template
- Plan Cover Sheet
- *EPA-833-R-06-004, Developing Your Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
- *EPA-833-B-07-005, EPA Example Construction SWPPP (< 5 acres)
- *EPA-833-07-003, EPA Example Construction SWPPP (~20 acres)
- *SWPPP Checklist 2015